Willie Miss Leonore departs and darkness arrives. Returning to the scene of my debaucherous canine subjugation months before brings a myriad of conflicting thoughts and memories; the humiliation; the indignity of being led about on a leash; having my testicles exposed and correctively slapped about; the embarrassing erection. But then the recollection of Miss Chloe comes to mind...her pulchritude, her gentle hand guiding me about, and then so cavalierly watching my ultimate ignominy as Miss Beverlys powerful hand so tantalizingly stroked my p***s, and then the taunt to bestow the beautiful blonde with a birthday offering; the ecstatic release of sperm. And now here I am, but with no Miss Chloe; with nothing. I saunter on all fours to the little shed in the corner of the property. The o