Chapter 36

1316 Words

Hecta looked at Misty, if she does the spell and it brings Marcus here, our deal is off.” She said looking at Elena. “Let’s go ahead and try this.” She said looking back at Misty. Misty watched in fear as Elena said the words and did a few things Misty left out so the spell wouldn’t work. She even made up the twenty-four hour rule; she wasn’t sure why Dremis agreed with her. As Elena finished the spell, Marcus appeared a few feet away. “Finally!” Marcus growled. “Oh and you got her good.” He said walking over to Misty and back handing her. “Bitch.” Misty rubbed her face, she didn’t think Marcus would have reacted that way, but he did. She sat down on the couch and watched what everyone was doing. “I’m sorry it took so long, I should have asked Elena to do it.” she said shaking her he

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