Chapter 9: Lunch

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"Good afternoon," he greeted. We all stand in our seats to welcome Mr. Finnson. The old man immediately went to Clinton with a bright face and offered his hand. "Welcome home, son!" he said and continued with a chuckle. "Good afternoon, dad!" Clinton answered. The two men hugged and tapped each other's back. "I hope you can stay here for a while. I heard your business is doing great!" Mr. Finnson stated after pulling away from his son. "I'm comfortable doing the business, and I am still adjusting..." Clinton continued. On my side, Clyver sat on his seat and pulled out his phone, ignoring his surroundings. He caught the attention of the two men. I smiled awkwardly at them and kicked my husband's foot under the table to catch his attention. Clyver only turn his head in my direction and shot his brow up. "What?" he asked. He then faced the two. Mr. Finnson made a grim face while Clinton chuckled. My husband shrugged and continued scrolling through his phone. "Tell us if you're both done so we can start eating. I'm already hungry," he added. I awkwardly faced Mr. Finnson. "W-We didn't eat before leaving the house," I explained. But Mr. Finnson's eyes were darted to his second son. He shook his head and sighed. "Good thing you have an understanding wife with you. The only thing you can be proud of is having a family. Don't do things that will make you lose it," he reminded. "I and C-Clyver is f-fine, s-sir." I wanted to slap myself from stuttering. Mr. Finnson faced me. The beating of my heart gets loud and my nervousness doubled when he made a step forward me. The room's air thickened and I felt like I'm sweating cold bullets. "Hija, I know everything," he said after stopping in front of me. My eyes uncontrollably blinked. He gently tapped my shoulder and smiled genuinely. "Thank you for your patience," he said and turned his back. He went to his usual spot and sit at the center part of the table. In his right is Mrs. Finnson who was quiet the whole time and beside her is Clinton. Across him is me, and on my left is Clyver, whose seating is on the left side of Mr. Finnson. We all sat in the dining while the servants are served our food. Clyver made a deep and harsh sigh before slamming his phone on the table. The servant pouring his water jumped a bit due to his movement. "Sorry for that. Kinda bored here," he lamely said. I thought Mr. Finnson will get mad. Instead, he ignored him and faced Clinton. “Any new news? Tell me if you need anything from your company. I will gladly help.” The servants started serving the steak with mashed potato. I quietly eat in my seat, observing the presence around me. “It’s fine, dad. I’ll handle it. Besides, I’m still starting. It’s normal to have a hard time.” Clinton answered while slicing his steak. “Mhhmm...” Mr. Finnson nodded. “You should start your own family now. Doing great in business is good but you should have someone to share your achievements with.”The sound of the utensils clanking against each other dominates the dining room. Clyver was silent the whole time until the conversation diverted to us. “How about the two of you? When will I have my grandkids?” It was a casual question so I don’t understand why my hands slightly quivered. “Don’t pressure them, dad. You’re making Aimee nervous,” Clinton smirked at me. I tried to give the same level of goofiness but Clyver’s rough actions are making me nervous. “I’m afraid you have to wait for a long time, dad. Aimee’s on pills,” Clyver spilled. I froze in my seat. I can sense the two elders looking at me with disbelief. Slowly, I put down my utensils and reach for the glass of water to swallow my food. “Is it true, Aimee?” Mrs. Finnson asked. “I w-was a-already on p-pill before o-our marriage, m-mom. I only w-want to finish t-the recent b-bottle t-that I b-bought,” I explained. “It’s fine, mom. She and Clyver were only married months ago. It’s not like she’s gonna do it for years.” Clinton winked at me. I flashed a small smile to show my gratefulness for saving me from the possible hundred questions that Mrs. Finnson will ask. “Your parents told me about how conservative you are. That’s why I was really glad when you agreed to marry my son,” I nodded my head at him and focused my eyes on the food. I don’t think I’ll be able to face them after Clyver spilled a part of my confidential life. I glance at my husband comfortably eating beside me. I know he didn’t mean to annoy me. He only wanted to stir up his dad. Obviously, he’s not on good terms with the boys in his family and he’s using me to rebel against them. “It’s fine with me if you’re in pills, hija. If ever Clyver will f*ck up like he already is, I will be glad if you issue a divorce and marry Clinton instead,” I was stunned in my seat. Before I can react, he added, “I hope this time, Clinton won’t refuse. I think you and him is a perfect match—" The sound of the utensils aggressively slammed at the breakable plate made Mr. Finnson stop. “Oh my gosh,” Mrs. Finnson exclaimed when she saw the broken plate and a spilled sauce of the steak on Clyver’s plate. “Clyver!” I scolded. The table’s a mess. He broke his plate and the steak, along with the mashed potato and gravy, is all over the place. No one reacted at first aside from Clinton who continued eating his food. He lifted his head to look at the situation. He then shrugged his shoulder and continued eating. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Mr. Finnson’s voice thundered. I put down my fork and knife and clasped my hands under the table. I am not used to this kind of behavior. We are not as rich as the Finnson but in our family, no one’s shouting and breaking things while eating. This is all new to me and the fact that I have to live with it for the rest of my life scares me. “I know you don’t respect me as your son but do respect our marriage.” Clyver coldly answered before standing on his seat and walking out of the dining room. Mr. Finnson hissed. He grabbed the napkin resting on the table and wiped his mouth. He then slammed it back to the table. Good thing it’s not breakable nor loud because I don’t think I can handle another violent action from them. On the other hand, Mrs. Finnson immediately went t the L-shape table and picked up a jar of water to pour into his husband’s glass. “He didn’t grow up at all! He’s the same childish brat that does nothing other than create problems in our family!” Mr. Finnson drank emptied his glass of water. His chest is rising up and down due to his heavy breathing. As part of the family, I stand in my seat and went to Mr. Finnson. I caressed his back in an attempt to calm him. “I’ll talk to him, d-dad…” I’m still not used to calling them this way. However, I don’t want them to think that I’m getting uncomfortable with them. “I hope that would do, hija! He’s a total headache. To be honest, I’m guilty that I let him marry you. You don’t deserve a man who acts like a child!” he ranted. I zipped my mouth and let him speak. Since then, I know how distant Clyver is from his family. I am trying to understand his behavior and adjusting to it because that is what a good partner should do; allowing them to make a mistake and learn from it together. “I’ll go talk to him…” I stated and bowed my head to the two elders before facing my back. I was about to exit the room when Mr. Finnson spoke. “Hija, if you can’t bear him, talk to us immediately. You don’t have to endure his painful ass.” My hands are already on the doorknob, ready to twist it open, but I chose to face them. “Dad, I and Clyver are fine. We have a lot of misunderstandings…” I nodded, acknowledging our mishaps as a couple. “… but it’s normal. We are still adjusting to the marriage. We can make it,” I smiled. However, no matter how much assurance I give, seems like Mr. Finnson will not be satisfied. “The two of you are old enough to handle your lives. I don’t want to meddle in your relationship so I’ll let the two of you.” “Thank you,” I uttered with a smile. I thought this conversation will going to end well. But Mr. Finnson won’t stop until he speaks what’s on his mind. “Is he still with that girl?” I know I shouldn’t be surprised if he knows everything that is happening to us. He’s a perfectionist—the number one reason why their company is of the top-performing companies in the Philippines. He won’t let others see any flaw in him and his family. They were very private. Others have no idea he has a disorganized family and a rebel son. I bit my lower lip to stop it from shivering. I then took a deep breath before opening my mouth. “Yes, d-dad…” There’s no use in lying, and I have no reason to do so. No matter what I’ll say, they know. “Talk to him about it. I don’t want anyone talking about you and your marriage behind your backs. Everyone knows it’s about the business but I don’t want them to think that way.” Mr. Finnson faced me with all seriousness. My spine shivered and I felt the hair at the back of my headstand. “Fix it for me, Aimee.” I nodded unconsciously. I forced myself to smile and used the short amount of time to compose myself. “Yes, dad. I will.” I turn my back and headed to where Clyver is. The mansion is big and to be honest, I don’t know where will I find him. Guess I have to spend the rest of the day with an empty stomach while searching for him. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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