Chapter 10: Sneaking Out

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Aimee’s POV I went to their garden, gymnasium, swimming pool, and other possible places he went to. However, I didn’t see him. I tried asking some of the maids if ever they saw my husband, sone told me he was smoking at the veranda, but when I went there, the only thing left are the cigarette butts. I tiptoed my way to the living room for I need to pass the dining. I don’t want them to see I still haven’t seen my husband inside their house. I heard their subtle voices from outside while I walk past them. They were talking about Clinton’s business. I wasn’t fully listening but I can say how cheerful Mr. Finnson is whenever he’s talking to Clinton. The spacious living room welcomed me empty. I sighed. I am roaming their mansion for about half an hour now, and my feet aren’t happy with its 4 inches heels. I decided to go to our designated bedroom. When we got married, Mrs. Finnson wanted Clyver’s room to be our room, however, he refused. It’s not a big deal to me. Not that we always visit. Hence, they decided to use the guest room and renovated it into our room. I went to the second floor to go to our room. My feet already hurt so before I opened the door, I unlocked my sandals and chose to carry them instead. I twist the door open. Since we rarely visit here, Mrs. Finnson sent us a photo of our room after it was renovated. I was really happy when she chose a white and brown tropical theme. I like it this way. There are a lot of real and fake plants hanging in the room which made it more relaxing to sleep. The room was exactly the same as the pictures. I toss my sandals on the floor, slamming myself on the bed, and let my body be devoured by the comfortability of it. I roamed my eyes to the whole room. A smile appeared on my lips. ‘I’m going to make our room like this.’ In the side of my eyes, I caught something. At the small table near the window, Clyver’s phone is resting. I stared back at the ceiling and whisper to myself, ‘Privacy, Aimee. Privacy.’ I close my eyes to tempt myself to sleep but the next thing I knew, I found myself walking towards the window and picking up his phone. I glance at the currently closed door. ‘He’s still not here.’ I bit my lower lip before opening his phone. I know his phone password because I always see him opening it in front of me. Also, it’s not that hard to memorize: 9999. He’s pretty lazy to think of a password. My finger pressed his messenger list. One of his recent texts is from an unregistered number. ‘Okay, I’ll wait.’ That’s the last message that was sent by the unknown number. Out of curiosity, I opened it. My hand started shivering as I read their messages. ‘I saw your car in the gates of the village. Are you in your mansion?’ ‘Yeah. Clinton arrived.’ Their conversation went on casually; just a normal ‘how are you’ and ‘what you’ve been up to.’ Until it went to ‘can we meet?’. ‘Certainly.’ ‘Okay, I’ll wait.’ My hand weakened. The phone slipped from it and dropped to the ground. I heard the breaking of its parts but my eyes were glued to nowhere. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. I feel like I am palpitating because my insides are shaking. I cut off caffeine a long time ago so I’m positive it’s not the reason. My eyes landed on the broken phone on the floor. It’s still working given the fact that I can still read the messages, however, there’s a black line on its screen and its back is shattered. He doesn’t have any phone case, making it more vulnerable. I left the room and rush downstairs. I slow down my pace when I saw Clinton. His eyes were directed at me and it slightly furrowed when he notice my sudden change of expression. I smiled at him and slightly nod to acknowledge his presence. I was halted from stepping by his question. “Still searching for him?” I turn my face to him. He’s nowhere near mocking, like his usual façade. This time, he’s displaying a straight face. “I saw him out with his car. I thought you knew,” he meaningfully said. “He left his phone. I didn’t know he’s not in the mansion.” I answered. I wanted to reward myself for sounding strong and not stuttering. “Aimee, you can talk to me. Are you okay with him?” He made a step forward and was about to reach for my elbow. I immediately move back. He stopped when he saw me move. “I-I’m fine, Clinton…” He stared at me for seconds, contemplating whether he’ll leave me or interrogate me more about our marriage. Even he’s living in the US, I know he has knowledge about what’s going on with our marriage. He’s a Finnton. It’s impossible for him to not know anything. I turn my back and was about to walk away but it seems like he has so much time to throw me some questions. “Until when will you endure this?” I didn’t waste my time answering him. Instead, I continued walking with my chin held up high. ‘Three months, Aimee. It’s only been three months. Don’t give up too easily.’ Clyver’s POV “What took you so long—” I didn’t let her finish talking and attacked her lips. We are at the park inside the village near the mansion. Erica, on her denim mini skirt and red sexy top, kissed me back with the same intensity. I decided to leave the mansion at the moment. It’s suffocating and I need something to divert my attention to. As long as I stayed there, I will only make my day worse. “Let’s go somewhere private,” I murmured in between our lustful kisses. She completely pulled away from me. My hands are on her waist, supporting her weight while her arms are hooked on my neck. “What about in your mansion? Hmm?” she leaned forward near my ear and licked my lobe. “That would be exciting, f*cking me behind your wife’s back,” she bit my lobe and her lips trailed down my jaw and down to my neck. “Please, Cly, let’s do it in your house,” she added. “I can’t,” she immediately stopped and straightened her back. She looked at me with her furrowed brows and disappointed eyes. “I told you, Clinton’s there,” I irritatingly explained. I hate it when girls are demanding an explanation from me, when in fact, I don’t owe them any. “If you don’t want, we can stop this.” I attempted to walk away and as expected, she stopped me by holding my wrist. “Come on, Cly,” her fingers reached for my jaw and caressed it. “We can do it here… if that’s what you want,” she sensually whispered on which I agreed immediately. The park is surrounded by pine trees. We decided to go to the secluded area. It’s about 2 or 3 in the afternoon however, the sky is dark and gloomy. The clouds were about to cry but none can stop the two of us from our lustful desires. Honestly speaking, I am not in the mood to do it with anyone. I only need someone to make me distracted. Good thing, Erica saw our car pass by their house and texted me. She’s one of the girls I used to play with since college. We both wanted a type of relationship without attachment. She’s interesting in bed. Unfortunately, she’s a bit clingy and way too playful for me. “Is here good?” she asked while traveling her eyes in our surroundings. The place is public like she always wanted. The trees and grass here are more wild compared to the trimmed and well-cared plants in the front near the open field. There’s a broken bench near us but we decided to do it behind a huge tree. “I’m fine here,” I said. “Good.” She cupped my cheeks and our lips collided. My hands started traveling on every corner of her body. The wind blew coldly and I felt her shivering. My right hand made its way down her and cupped it. Her soft and whispered moan sounded loud due to the silence of the place. Her kisses went down my neck, gently sucking it. I immediately pushed her shoulder. “Don’t leave a mark,” I demanded. She smirked at me. “Scared of your wife e?” she teased. I ignored her and instead inserted my hands under her skirt. My thing hardened when I felt her wet in my fingers. I’m only kneading her through her panties yet, she’s already soaking in her own juice. I inserted my fingers and the next thing we both heard is her cries echoing in this forest-like place. *** “That was great!” she exclaimed and stand from kneeling. She dusted off some mud and leaves stuck in her knees while I zip up my trousers. I’m not going to deny it: she’s good. The way she shoved her mouth to pleasure me and her head’s movement as she pumped me up and down is a top-tier experience. “I liked it,” I responded. She helped me button my sleeves and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “Hope we can do it again some other time,” she murmured. My eyes dropped on hers when she licked her lips. I notice her messed-up red lipstick due to our wild adventure a while ago. I smirked and shrugged. “Yeah,” I answered even I am not sure if I will. We both went back to my car. I parked it near the open field earlier. From here, I can see our mansion’s third floor. It wasn’t necessary to bring my car with me but I’m too lazy to walk and I was eager to leave the house. We saw my car parking in the same place where I left it. However, I stopped midstep when I notice a figure near it. Erica’s hands are hooked at my arms. When she noticed me stopped, she traced my line of sight. “Oops…” she lamely reacted when she saw where my gaze landed. A few meters away from my car is my wife, standing and staring at us. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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