Chapter 1: Our Marriage

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Aimee's POV A soft moan and a heavy breath slipped out of my mouth as he buried his face on the crook of my neck. My head falls back, giving him more access to it. His kisses went down while one of his hands cupped my upper private and gave it a good squeeze, and the other stayed on my hair, raking them with his fingers. "Mmmhmm..." I responded to his touches. My back feels comfortable against the softness of our queen size bed.  I felt his lips withdraw from me after placing one of his arms on the sides of my head, while the other stayed on my chest. "You changed your shower gel?" he breathed with his hoarse voice. The tips of our noses barely touched each other but his crotch is freely making friction against my clothing, making me feel his bulk muscles in between his thighs. I suppressed my smiles by biting my lips. 'Since when did he notice the small changes in me?'  "Yeah..." I nodded. It was supposed to be an answer but it sounded like a whimper of pleasure. His lips went back on my neck, planting soft kisses and occasionally sucking it. "I... r-ran out of s-strawberry gel... so, I used yours... I-I hope you don't m-mind," I explained. My words came out broken since his kisses are giving me the struggle to speak. I glued my eyes on the ceiling yet my mind feels like floating-- enjoying every touch of his lips on my skin. He did not respond to my statements and instead pressed our lips together. Our tongues intertwined, acting as two swords fighting in a battle. I squealed when his hands on my upper private crawled down to lift the hem of my dress and fold it up to my waist, exposing my silky red underwear. His rough and vigorous palms caressed my inner thighs, stroking them up and down. My back arched and heavy breathing was heard from me when his fingers made their way to my thin silky cloth underwear. I felt the two strokes of his fingers against my wet folds before he left it, throbbing for more. I don't usually wear silky underwear. But since I'm aware he's off his work during weekends and I know we will most probably do stuff, I intentionally wore them since last night. We are sensually exchanging kisses while his fingers swiftly move my undies on the side. I turn my head to my left to avoid my lips from him and focused on his expertly moving fingers. However, it is useless since he easily used his free hand to hold my neck still and own my lips again. His tongue moved synonymously with his fingers. My heart is beating loudly and I couldn't think straight-- confused whether where will I throw my attention to: to his fingers moving in and out of me or to his tongue that is savoring every corner of my mouth.  "Clyver..." I cried in a voice I couldn't distinguish. "I'm going to remove your underwear," he stated with the sound of asking for my consent after his lips left mine. His fingers remained still on my wet folds which made me frustrated. 'Goddamn it! I want him to move!' I did not answer him but instead, I lifted my lower body, telling him to pull it down. He understood my non-verbal gestures and do what I want him to do. He slid my underwear down and I kicked it completely out of my legs. He then scooped me from the back and lifted me up to the headboard of the bed. His biceps protrude when he placed his left arm on the side of my head to support his weight, while the other raked my hair and cupped my cheeks. His lips planted kisses on my neck and suck it. I don't mind him leaving a mark, instead, I moaned louder to tell him that I like what he is doing.  My hands crawled to his sweat shorts and gently squeezed his angry bulk. "Can I have it?" I murmured. I felt a rain of satisfaction when he faced me with a flash of a smirk on his lips.  "Uhuh," he huskily answered. I instinctively licked my lower lip as I inserted my hand in his shorts. A single groan from him awakens the ball of heat hiding inside of me. I started stroking him while he kept himself busy with my neck. I should note to myself to put a couple of layers of concealer to hide any marks from him before leaving the house. I felt him grow in my hands. I was about to stroke him faster when he stopped me by catching my wrist. "What?" I asked nervously. 'Does he not like it?' "Stop it. I'm going to come early." I pouted my lips to hide the smile fighting to appear on my face. Before I can speak, he sealed my lips with his. My hand went back to its place, stroking him at a slow yet sensual pace-- just like how he wants it. My eyes went close when I felt his warm hand cupping my thing in between my thighs. Without any warning, he inserted two fingers inside of me, making me moan loudly. The good thing is, we live in a three storey house all alone. None will hear us whenever I scream his name. I only hire housemaids every Sunday to help me maintain the cleanliness of the house and I do the cooking daily.  My hand stopped playing with his privates and my attention was diverted to his fingers going in and out of me. I know I couldn't multi-task and can only focus either on stroking him or letting myself enjoy the pleasure of his fingers.  "You enjoying this? Hmm?" He nibbled on my ear as he added another finger. He also used his thumb to stimulate my wetness.  "Oh my... hmmpp..." I bit my lips inwardly to stop myself from whimpering. I can already feel something building up inside of me as his fingers went faster. "I-I t-think I'm c-coming..." But before I explode, he withdraws his fingers from me, leaving me at the edge of my climax.  I furrowed my brows and faced him with frustration written all over my face. "Not yet," he shrugged. I almost groan in annoyance but my mood suddenly shifted when I saw him pulling out his hard shaft. My eyes met his. He shot a brow up and grin. "Like what you're seeing?" Flustered, I avoided my gaze. I felt my cheeks heat up. He made a low quiet chuckle before sucking my neck. His subtle beard brushed against my skin, but instead of complaining about his rough facial hair, I moaned. The shame that I felt just a moment ago quickly vanished and was replaced by a burning sensation. I sensually closed my eyes, pleasured by his kiss.  It seems like my body has its own mind since it started grinding against him. "I'm going in," he said which made me open my eyes.  It's been three months since we got married but I am still afraid of the thought of him entering me. The first time we did it, I cried so hard and wasn't able to walk comfortably the following day. I refused to do stuff with him in bed for a week and gladly, he did not force me. "I'll be gentle. I promise," he added after noticing the hint of panic on me. I clutch my hands on his bare shoulders. He guided himself to my entrance without leaving his eyes on me as he slowly thrust in. My lips formed in an 'o' shape and my eyes blinked uncontrollably when I felt his tip sliding inside. I can notice his gentle moves as he paired them with his soft kisses to divert my attention.  "Ohh!" I moaned when he started grinding. Slow at first until his pace went faster. I can hear our subtle cries as well as the sound of the bed rocking with our rhythm. My body moves up whenever he thrust in and I can feel the wholeness of his manhood filling me. "I t-think I'm c-coming..." I uttered under my breath after several constant thrusts. "Hold it," he commanded as he notice me reaching my peek. He held my legs up and placed them on his shoulder which give him access to go deeper. "Ugh!" he groaned. I can feel his bulk growing inside of me and from that moment, I knew. One full thrust and we both let go of our love juices.  "That was great," I commented weakly. My lids are getting heavy and I can feel myself being pulled back on sleep. Clyver collapsed above me. I can feel his heart beating against my bare chest. I don't mind him not moving. Actually, I prefer sleeping this way-- him still inside of me.  His men's shampoo mixed with his body scent devoured my nose. I was about to reach the back of his head to caress it but he moved his body away. The next thing I felt is the feeling of emptiness right after he withdraw his shaft from me.  "Shower," he explained after getting up in bed and grabbing the towel resting on the floor.  I didn't show my disappointment and only gave him a smile and a nod. It's always been like this. He never cuddles. After our intimate moments, he would either go straight to sleep or go to our bathroom to take a shower. By then, I am already asleep.  It's been three months since we got married. I don't even know if I can call this a marriage life since we do nothing other than s*x. The only time I can feel his warmth is when we were in bed.  Tho, I don't blame him for his coldness. I am fully aware that we were forced to marry each other. Even at my part, it wasn't really 'forced' because I do like the idea of him as my husband. Who would not want Clyver Finnson?  Our family owns an employment agency while the Finnson's has a chain of five-star hotels in the country. Obviously, they do not need our company. There are a lot of employment agencies which have better performance and are well known than us. But the Finnson and my family are indeed good friends even before the rise of our companies. And I must say that since the news about our marriage almost a year ago was publicized, our agency boost. A lot of businesses hired our agency to provide employees for them. This is the start of the rise of our agency. People do not usually trust rising companies, but since our agency entails the name of the Finnton's whose name is well known in the business world, it became easy for us to attract clients.  My parents never forced me to marry him. They suggested it but they didn't put pressure on me. What I am proud of is my parents were never greedy. As long as our agency is doing fine and isn't at the edge of bankruptcy, we are good. But of course, establishing ties with the Finnson's in this industry is a huge benefit. And who am I to reject such an astounding offer from them? The Finnson have 9 branches all over the Philippines and all of them are luxurious and made for five-start hotel guests. To be honest, they do not need our agency. They can hire employees from other well-known agencies such as the Cery Manpower Services, which is owned by Gordon Cery, a business magnate. But just like what I said, their family is way generous to help us with our business.  I took a deep breath and blew out a harsh sigh. I can already hear the droplets of the water from the shower. I stared at the currently closed door, wondering when will I ever got to bathe with him. I immediately shook my head, surprised by my sudden thoughts. I got up in bed and pick up my silky underwear and nightdress that were tossed on the floor. I turn my head to the digital clock placed on the side table. "11:27am," I uttered while putting on my clothes. 'It's too late to prepare for breakfast', I thought. I quickly fixed our bed and went out of our room to cook our brunch. I put on my apron and tied my hair in a messy bun. Unlike me, Clyver used to eat rice for his morning meal while I prefer smoothies or salads. I grabbed an egg and bacon from the refrigerator and tossed them on the pan that I prepared. While waiting for his meal to cook, I made my banana smoothie.  The sound of the blender doing its job and the sizzling egg and bacon on the pan made noise in the kitchen, not until I heard the clicking of Clyver's footsteps approaching me. Suddenly, a smile appeared on my lips. I turned to greet him and the upward curve on my lips quickly faded when I notice him in his clothes.  "Where are you going?" I asked. He went straight towards me. I thought he's going to give me a hug but he reached to the blender from my behind and switched it off. 'Silly,' I scolded myself. Just from the smell of his shower gel, expensive perfume, and wearing his long sleeves and trousers, I knew he's going somewhere, meeting someone important.  "I'm going to have lunch outside," he answered. "Can you buy a new blender? This one's too loud," he added. I almost rolled my eyes. What kind of blender doesn't make a sound? Is there something like that?  "Who are you going with?" I asked innocently, trying not to sound I'm interrogating him. I turn my back and went to the frying pan to toss the almost burned bacon and a sunny-side-up egg to the plate. I already scooped a cup of rice on the plate and still heard no answer from him.  I throw my head in his direction. He's leaning at the refrigerator door, scrolling through his phone. When he noticed my stares, he met my eyes and shot a brow up. "Since when I am obligated to tell you my errands?" Asshole. "Just asking," I shrugged. I grabbed a glass on the stack and went to the blender near him to pour my drink. I went to the center island and sat on the stool to drink my smoothie. I threw a glance at the freshly cooked bacon and eggs that were supposed to be his brunch.  "Got to go," he announced before leaving the kitchen. I gulped my smoothie along with the lump forming in my throat. As I finished my drink, I heard the engine of his car roar and the sound of the electronic gates sliding open.  I sat still on my sit, staring at the untouched food. I sometimes wonder if this is how all the arranged marriages started; cold and distant at first and then one day, they will be a loving couple.  I bit my nail while contemplating what I'll do next. The silence of our huge and spacious house won't do good to the loneliness and the feeling of being neglected slowly eating me.  I aggressively stand on my seat and went straight to our bedroom, leaving the unfinished drink and the food. I changed into a cargo pants and an oversized printed shirt. I grabbed my car keys hanging on the side of our door and jog towards our parking area. I hopped on my red honda civic x and drove away from our house. I stepped on the gas until I reached the gates of our village. It's only been minutes since he drove away, I think I can chase him.  True enough, because when I reached the hi-ways, I saw his red Ferrari 458 Italia stuck in the traffic. I maintained my distance but glued my eyes at him. My eyes caught my footwear and notice that I am only wearing flip-flops.  "Great. I looked like a crazy housewife chasing my obviously cheating husband," I whispered to myself.  His car turned left. I peeked through my window and saw that it is an Italian restaurant. He stopped at the entrance of the dining and a valet immediately went to attend to him. He tossed his car keys and I went straight to the open parking nearby. I quickly get off the car and jog towards the restaurant.  The walls of the restaurant are all made of glass, making it visible to the people outside. I craned my neck as I watched my husband gracing his way to the woman on his white long backless dress and straight silky hair waiting at one of the tables. Even without seeing her face, I am certain who she is. "Miss, excuse me?" I was stopped by the staff at the entrance. Her hand blocked my way.  I threw my head in her direction. "Yes?" I answered, slightly irritated. Without waiting for her response, my eyes went back to my husband who is now sitting across the woman.  "Miss, you are not allowed to get in." My brows furrowed and I faced her with my crumpled face. She gave me a fake smile but I can sense the hint of snide and the attempt of raising her brow at me. "What did you say?" My low voice screams annoyance but to my surprise, he only looks at me from head to toe. I shot a brow up and hissed when I understood what he is trying to imply. "I'm here for my husband," I explained. Before I knew it, two of the guards walked towards us. They didn't touch nor talk to me but I can notice their attentive stance, ready to drag me out if I cause any trouble. "Ma'am, sorry but only customers are allowed to get inside," the staff said, holding her chin up high and showing me her fake friendly face full of cheap cosmetic products.  "I. am. a. customer," I argued, putting emphasis on every word. She scrutinized me from head to toe and sighed. She then turned to the two guards. Without a word, the guards went to me and gently hold my arms.  "Miss, you should go," one of the guards said. I tried to free my arms but they held me tightly, causing me to scream.  "Ouch!" I shouted when a guard accidentally stepped on my foot. By then, I knew I already caught the customer's attention, including my husband's. His forehead formed horizontal lines and the girl he is with raised a brow at me. Wow. The audacity! I stopped struggling and behave myself when Clyver stand in his seat and walk towards us. Behind him is his girlfriend, Pearl, following him and swaying her hips and flashing a small smile to me. I tried to force myself to do the same but all I did is to display my expressionless face. Yes. We are married but he has a girlfriend. He was already with Pearl even before our marriage.  "Let go of her," Clyver commanded and the two guards immediately free me from their grip. I gently massaged my left wrist where the guard held me tightly. I notice Clyver throwing a glance at it before facing me. "What are you doing here?" he asked. I opened my mouth to answer but I was halted by the sudden move of Pearl who made a step forward to cling her hand on my husband's arm. She then innocently looked at me.  I did not dare give her the satisfaction of annoying me. Instead, I straightened my back and held my chin up high to face my husband. "I decided to eat my lunch at this restaurant. Why?" "Wearing that?" Pearl intervened and chuckled. Clyver look at her and she immediately zipped her lips.  Clyver stared at me for a second and I can feel the embarrassment crawling through my system upon realizing how obvious my lie is. "Give her a table," he demanded. The staff who stopped me from entering earlier bowed her head and immediately followed what my husband said. But before she can find a table for me, I said, "No thanks. I changed my mind," I answered without removing my eyes from my husband. "Great! We can now go back and eat. God, I'm starving. Cly?" Pearl stated. She giggled and brushed her chest against my husband's arm. I wanted to furrow my brows when he did not even try to flinch nor move his arm away.  His eyes remained at me, ignoring Pearl who kept on brushing her body against him right in front of me.  "I'll go now," I announced when I realized he won't say a word. I turned my back at them and walked out at my usual pace as I maintained my posture. I can sense their eyes at me. The good thing is, my back is facing them as I blinked the tears attempting to form in the sides of my eyes. My body feels heavy. For every step that I take, I hope for him to chase me and grab my wrist and pull me back to that f*cking restaurant and tell everyone I'm his wife. Yet, I am already standing in front of my car, alone, still waiting for the impossible.  He is wearing our wedding ring while holding someone else's hand. I am the one he brought to the altar and promised to stay for better and for worse, but all I've experienced is the worse. I treated him as my other half, my partner, and my home... but he never treated me like one. I am his wife but he never loved me the way the husband should have. ----- Unedited. Expect typo, spelling, and grammatical errors. ----- The Unwanted Marriage by: Joanne Cristel ©2021 -----
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