Chapter Twenty Eight

2267 Words

Mireya stopped in the middle of spraying herself with the clean water when she felt an intense gaze. She immediately became alert and roamed her eyes around.  And she came face to face with a man hiding in the shadow.  She immediately hugged her arms to herself and instinctively thought of picking up her sword, but that would be too obvious. Based on the story, there is rarely or no fairy who knows how to fight.  "Who are you? What do you need?"  she slowly walked backwards towards her belongings to prepare and escape. She did not yet know what he was and she is not sure if she could get away but she had to try.  "I mean no harm."  When she heard his voice, Mireya stopped in her tracks and stiffened. In a few seconds, he came out of the darkness and the moon shone on his bare top while

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