Chapter Two

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CHAPTER TWO At the age of seven young werewolves are eager to go through their first shifting. They are eager to come out to experience the feeling that their appearance is changing. They are eager to experience the pain that comes with it. And among them is Alpha King's eldest son, Hannibal Thanatos. He was eager to accompany his peers to run out of their homes when the moon is full. With each of his friends or acquaintances changing around him, he could not help but be especially excited and watched his royal father and mother queen standing from afar. Both are eager to witness his first shifting. Hannibal wonders, will he be like his father who has black wolf or is it his mother who is brown? Hannibal doesn't really care. He'll love whatever color the source gives him. But what Hannibal is most excited about is that he will finally be able to meet and talk to his wolf. He will finally be able to speak to his clans through their mind link. He can't wait to play with his friends in his wolf form! But Hannibal's excitement gradually faded when he realized that all the children around him were happily running and chasing after each other in their wolf forms. The eyes of his clans were fixed on the young prince. Even the smile on the lips of Alpha King Janos and Queen Faith gradually faded. What is happening? But Hannibal did not give up and lose hope. He waited under the full moon, waited for the pain his first shifting will give. He ignored the judging and insulting eyes of the young wolves who shifted and had turned back to their human forms and returned to their homes. His parents refused to leave too. They waited with their son and hoped until the full moon was replaced by the sun. Tears gathered in Faith's eyes when she realized what happened and buried her face in her husband's chest. She could not bare to see the frustration and sadness on her son's face. "What do we do, my King? Our child is without a wolf." she cried in despair. Her heart breaking into pieces. Faith cannot bear to imagine that her son will be the target of bullying. He may also not be accepted by the council as heir. She loved her son dearly and did not want him to go through that. There are no tears in Janos' eyes, but his heart is also broken for his firstborn son and successor. Werewolves born without a wolf are considered as cursed and it rarely happens. Who would have guessed that this would happen to their child? His son looked forward to this day ever since he learned how to talk. Then is this what the source will provide? What did they do? Him? Did they offend the Source? Or did they do something they did not like and punished his son? He embraced his wife tightly and kissed her tenderly on the head. "We'll get through this, My Queen." Together, they approached the child who was now bent over and shoulders hunched. Their hearts were broken when they saw him weeping. "Why? Why it didn't happen to me? Why can't I shift?!" Hannibal's tone reflects pain and anger. "Is there something wrong with me?" he looked up at them, his blue eyes with gold fleeeks shining with tears. And when Janos embraced the child, he promised himself. He will not let others hurt his precious child. He will not let others oppress him just because of his condition. And he will not love him any less, he will shower him with all the love that he needs. The love the source refused to give his son. But no matter how much help and support they gave and love, Hannibal changed. Before the full moon, he was a fun and talkative child now he's changed to be reserved and aloof. He often prefers to be alone. He became the source of laughter and insult from his clan mates and acquaintances. Some of his friends turned their backs on him and also left him because they believed he was unlucky and cursed. At the age of thirteen, Hannibal strengthened himself when it came to defense and fighting. He wanted to prove that being wolfless was not a reason for him to be weak. He almost killed himself in training and was blind and he was deaf to the worries of his parents. He had to do it for himself. He had to do it to prove something. He will prove to everyone that he is not a prince just because of the title if not in ability. At the age of eighteen, Hannibal has perfected the sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Even the people who mocked him, then he was able to defeat and humiliate. Who is weak now? Who is as frail as a human? He is going to be the King of the Kings after his Father and he will be.But what he did not know was that others with a bad intention used his condition and planned to invade their territory. It was a peaceful afternoon at Mistclaw when the combined forces of Orburn and Red Dust led by Demon King Abacia and Vampire Queen Wayanka rushed forward. Over the past thousands of years, the top three clans have come to an agreement and lived in peace, so who would have guessed that they would be deceived by those who lusted for more? Werewolves are chosen by the source to lead Ozryn because of their fighting skills and management skills. Unfortunately, Abacia does not see it that way. Because of this, he should be in charge. He is superior to other clans. And he does not care about the word of the source who created them. He will be the source itself. The werewolves were quickly defeated not because they were weak, but because their opponents did not fight fairly. They used silver and the tools they stole from the Earth world which Janos strictly forbade, because he did not want anything from that world to stain this peaceful world. While the humans fight each other for fame, money and love. Werewolves, vampires, demons, elves and fairies are made to accept and support each other. Janos and Hannibal did not give up. Their heart was heavy with every thrust and swung off their swords to hurt their fellow. But they need to protect their family. But alas, a demon never plays fair. From where he is, Abacia aimed a gun they took from the Earth to Janos who were busy fighting. He grinned as he hit him on the shoulder and knelt down to reach his shoulder with a shout of pain. "Father!" Hannibal shouted when he witnessed what had happened to his father. He roars and beheaded the man that's about to get near him and knelt beside his injured Father. Janos groaned in pain. "We're losing, son. If this goes on, we will all perish. I-I will give up the throne to him." Janos managed to say between groans of pain. What's the use of his title if many will perish? He'd rather live as a simple leader than compete with a throne and have countless of lives lost. "No! Father, the source gave you the throne. You are the rightful owner! Who knows what he'll do to us once we surrender." Hannibal's blood ran cold when he heard his Mother's shout from behind. "Go! Go and protect your Mother!" his father pushed him so Hannibal has no choice nothing and went to help his Mother. Janos' eyes softened as he gazes at his son's back. He knew. Somehow, he knew this was his end. "I love you, my son. Be the King this world needs and not want. Be the greatest King that Ozryn will ever have and prove them wrong." he whispered in the air before he felt an excruciating pain just between his ribcage piercing through his heart. "No!" Faith's deafening cry can be heard when she sees what happened to her husband. "Father!" From Hannibal's place he saw his Father smile before he eventually lost his breath. The howls of the werewolves can be heard in the sight of their good King dying. Hannibal's knees weakened as Faith sobbed as she shouts out her husband's name repeatedly. "Werewolves! Your King died by my hands! The King of the Kings is now dead! Hear me and kneel before me, for I am now your King!" Abacia proudly shouted at everyone. Demons and vampires celebrated while the werewolves, outcasts and meadowcoasts that served them quietly knelt down. They can do nothing because compared to Abacia, they are weak. When Hannibal was about to stand up to chase Abacia, his mother stopped him even if she's boiling with anger, too. "No, son. We do not possess the strength to fight and defeat him at once. I already lost your Father, and I will not lose you, too." Hannibal clenched his fists as his hands trembled to kill the one who had killed his Father.The smiling abuse grinned even more when she saw him. "However, I am not that evil. I will still allow your precious Prince be the new Alpha King despite him being worthless." he said laughing and turned away. "I swear, you will die by my hands, Demon King. Slowly and painfully." At the age of eighteen, Hannibal was also given as the new Alpha King a week after his dear father was laid to rest. His heart grew harder and he built an invisible barrier around him. All he had on his mind was to plan carefully how he could defeat and kill Abacia. Being wolfless, Hannibal also did not bother to find his mate for without a wolf, he has no means of finding his mate if he even has one. Because it may have been denied to him by the source, too. And after waiting for hundreds of years, Hannibal gave up entirely. Hannibal grew bitter as the years pass by. Why does the Source seem to have forgotten their children? Why did they do this to him and even let his father die even though they themselves chose his father to rule? Where are they? If the Source refuses to help them, he will build his own prophecy. And that prophecy, he sees himself holding Abacia's head. Hannibal bedded women after women and eventually made a harem of his own. Also, because of his beauty with his midnight black hair, square face, thick, straight eyebrows, deep set of blue eyes with gold flecks that held no emotion. Long nose that has an attractive male. Thin lips always pressed in a thin line. The Alpha King rarely ever smiles anymore. The women who wanted to be included in his Harem lined up. Shewolves, fairies or even outcasts want to win the muscular and strong King with the ambition of sitting beside him as his Queen. But every night when he's alone in his room, his room that he refuses to share with any of his concubines and even his favorite consorts. He yearns to hear his wolf's voice inside his head. Because in his mind, he could hear nothing but his own thoughts and it's slowly driving him insane. Hannibal then promises to himself, when he succeeds in killing Abacia he will turn over the throne to his brother and end his suffering. Because without a wolf, he's good as a human. And without a mate like everyone else around him, he is worthless.
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