
1833 Words
Sage POV The next time I see Ezra, he'll pay for drugging me. Although the drug gave me the perfect opportunity to get closer to Alpha Zane, it was not supposed to knock me out, and he stabbed me with the drug. Rolling over on a plush mattress I didn't recognize, my head pounded like it had been slammed against a brick wall. As I tried to get up, I noticed my shirt was gone, and an oversized T-shirt had replaced it. The Alpha was in a nearby chair, fast asleep. As I touched my injury, I saw it was wrapped in a bandage. Did the wolf tend to my wound when I was unconscious? Quietly standing up, I groped for my knives - they were usually fastened to my legs - only to find they were gone. It wasn’t surprising when I woke up in the Alpha’s bed after passing out. “You’re finally awake,” Alpha Zane said as he stood up. “Thanks for the hospitality, but I will be on my way now,” I muttered as I approached his door. I couldn’t care less about the job anymore. I just wanted to get far away from this wolf. “It’s locked,” he responded. “That won’t stop me from leaving,” I laughed. “Answer a few more questions for me, and if you still want to leave afterward, I won’t stop you,” he offered. “Fine,” I replied as I remained standing by the door. “Why are you working for Lord Ezra? Do you owe him some sort of debt?” he asked. How did he figure out I was working for the Vampire Lord? “The money is good. I don’t owe him a debt, and he does not own me,” I responded. “What is Ezra paying you to spy on me?” he asked, causing me to freeze. “Don’t worry, Sage. I won’t harm you. Just answer my question. You can trust me,” he said. “I don’t trust anyone, especially your kind.” I sneered. “Fair, but no harm will come from me,” he repeated as he opened a drawer, grabbed my knives wrapped in cloth, and handed them back to me. “He offered me free rent,” I responded. “Fine, tell me what information you need from me, and I will give it to you, and in exchange, I want you to work for me,” he demanded. “You are just going to hand over the information Ezra wants. Are you insane?” I laughed. “The only baffling one here is you, Sage, for getting involved with a criminal like him. I know what he does to those who fail him, and I refuse to allow that to happen to you,” he sighed. “Why do you care? I am a stranger to you. I can handle myself just fine in this city!” I yelled. “Allowing yourself to be drugged and used is no way to live,” he responded. “That does not answer my question,” I snapped back. “You are special,” he simply replied. “I’m sorry, but I am not special, Alpha Zane; I am dangerous. You are new to this city, but over time, you will learn I am not a friend, nor am I loyal to anyone. I can take care of myself,” I informed him. Alpha Zane moved closer, remaining silent momentarily, keeping his eyes on me the entire time as if I were his prey. “I’ll be on my way now. I am not afraid of the repercussions Ezra may have for lack of information,” I said as I pulled off the shirt that he dressed me in and threw it back at him. “What are the tattoos for?” he asked as he walked closer, reaching his hand out to touch me. He completely ignored the fact that I wanted to leave. “Don’t,” I snapped, and he immediately withdrew his hand. “Why do you hate my kind?” he asked. “I hate everyone, so don’t feel so hurt over me hating your kind,” I responded. “Agree to work for me while I am in town, and I will let you go,” he offered. “What would you like me to do for you?” I asked. “You seem to know your way around this place; I want you to teach me everything about this city,” he explained. “Fine, now let me leave,” I scoffed. “You will remain with me while under employment. I will escort you to your home so you can pack some clothing,” he explained. “You must be under the wrong impression. I am not a w***e or some call girl. I have rules I follow,” I snapped. “So, you are pure?” he asked. “Why are you asking me all of this?” I sneered, annoyed. “I want to know who I am hiring. Unlike you, I try to trust the people I work with,” he explained. “I will work for you, but I will not stay with you,” I offered as I watched him clench his fist. “Fine, I will escort you to your home, and we will work out a time to meet up,” he said as he moved back towards me and dropped the T-shirt back in my hands. A BMW was waiting for us outside when we stepped out of the Alpha’s current living quarters. There was no way I was going home in that car. Showing up in something like that in my part of the city would only make people question me. “I’ll just walk,” I muttered. “Get in the car,” he demanded. “I don’t take well to people ordering me around, even if I accepted their job offer. You can walk with me, or I will walk alone, but I am not getting in that car,” I explained. “Fine, I will walk with you,” he replied. Fortunately, Zane barely spoke during the walk, giving me some peace. My place was about an hour on foot from the luxurious hotel he was staying at. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ezra had someone waiting for me once I arrived home. I was finally getting comfortable in my apartment. Still, after this disaster, it looked like I'd have to pack up and lie low in a new place until things calmed down. About halfway to my place, another vampire I knew called out to me, causing me to sigh. “Give me one moment,” I said as I followed the vampire into the shop. Of course, the i***t ignored me and followed me in. “Wait outside,” I snapped as I looked at him, but he planted himself behind me. “Not like you to travel with a wolf,” Finnian said as he handed me a small bag, and I tucked in my pants. “Let’s be on our way now,” I said to Zane as I turned and walked out of the store with him. Zane came with me to my place and followed me into my tiny apartment, shutting the door behind him. “What did the vampire in the shop give you?” he demanded as he grabbed my arm. “An order for Ezra that I must deliver shortly, so let’s arrange a time to meet up fast,” I responded. “I will wait here for you, and then we can get started,” he responded as he released my arm with a weird expression. “Suit yourself,” I whispered as I walked into my room and rummaged through my drawers for an outfit. Alpha Zane remained in the doorway, watching every move I made. “Have you not heard of privacy?” I asked, causing him to turn his head so I could get dressed. After dressing, I entered the bathroom to grab a small vial of the potion that helped conceal my scent, as my previous one was going to wear off soon. “Don’t take that,” Zane snapped as he walked in behind me in the bathroom and grabbed my hand, which caused me to drop the vial, but I pushed back and elbowed him. “I will say this one last time: I do not take well with being ordered around.” I sneered as I grabbed the vial off the ground. “Take it later, then,” he responded as he gently placed his hands on mine. Why the f**k did his touch have to feel so good? I felt like I was going to melt. “Everything alright, Sage?” Zane asked with a smirk. “I’m fine,” I whispered as he turned me so we faced each other. “I want to kiss you,” Zane whispered as he lowered his head. My body reacted without my consent, and our lips met despite my desire to scream no. He felt f*****g amazing. Zane’s breath was so lovely, and his lips were smooth as he deepened the kiss and wrapped his arm around my body. This was wrong. I had to gain control and stop him, but my damn body melted in his arms. Zane’s hand trailed down my body. As soon as he pushed it under my shirt, I gained the composure to stop him, and I pushed him away. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold back any longer,” he apologized. “Out,” I snapped as I pointed towards my door. “Please don’t push me away, Sage; I could tell when I kissed you that you feel the same way I do,” he responded. “Assume nothing about me. Please leave,” I responded as someone knocked on my door. “Coming!” I yelled as I moved to make my way to the door, but Zane grabbed me and nuzzled his nose into my neck. “Stop!” I yelled, and he moved away, but he pushed my hair from my neck and froze momentarily. “I expect you to be gone when I return,” I said as I pushed past him and opened my door to Colson standing at the entrance. “Ezra sent me for you,” Colson said as Zane growled behind me. I knew I was in trouble when I left with Colson, as Zane disappeared from my view. Ezra did not accept failure and would not be pleased when I came back with very little information. Once Colson and I made it far enough from my apartment, I did what I have always done to survive. I attacked him and then ran, knowing fully well that I could never return to my home.
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