Chapter 11

392 Words
Jaden got back in his car and drove the 100-mile trip back home, just as Geri watched him leave. There was no way she was going to let Regina move on after what she did to her son Parker. Meanwhile, Regina had just got back to her room at Serenity Springs after being in therapy and checked her cell to see if Jaden had left a message. But there was no message. She had tried to reach him regarding where she was going, but couldn’t. She didn’t understand why Parker she had not heard from Jaden. Regina was interrupted when the aide came into her room to tell her she had a visitor waiting in the day-room for her. “Tell them I’ll be there in a few.” Regina told the aide. Hoping it would be Jaden; Regina combed her hair and spruced herself up before heading down to the day-room. But she was shocked to find Geri, Parker’s mother waiting in the day-room instead. “Geri?” Regina said surprised. “Regina, I came to see how you were doing?” Geri lied. She wanted Regina to pay for Parker’s death. Regina was to blame after cheating on her son with that Jaden fellow. “I’m doing alright.” Regina informed her. “I’m in therapy.” “Good.” Geri said, but making an excuse to leave. “Oh, gee, look at the time. I’ve got to go.” “Geri, you just. . .” Regina started to say before Geri rushed out unexpectedly, and then started back to her room after Geri’s hasty exit. Geri, disguised as a nurse, made her way into the med room and found Regina’s meds and switched them with other meds. Then she walked out of the med room unseen by staff and walked out of the facility with a smile on her face. “Have a good recovery, Regina!” Regina overdosed on her medication that the nurse gave her, unbeknownst to the nurse that they had been switched by Geri, who was posing as a staff member, but was really Parker’s mother, who wanted revenge on Regina for Parker’s death. Regina flat lined and was clinically dead for 3 minutes before her heart started beating again. After being revived, Regina was rushed to ICU where she was put on life-support.
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