Chapter 31

1211 Words

*Ella POV* Zane kicks the door in again. "Your healing is taking too long" "Because you haven't fed me you retard" He obviously links someone to deal with the food situation. "I want you all pretty for the ceremony tomorrow, but you can probably take another round of beating today" "Oh thanks uncle Zane, that is so thoughtful of you" "You don't have to be such a little smart ass" "Well actually, I think I do" "Does it get you anywhere?" "It makes me feel pure blinding fvcking joy to the nth degree" "I hope you will learn to hold your tongue and stand beside me properly tomorrow" "Why you can't do a forced mating if I am injected with silver, you need my wolf to make the mark stick don't you?" "Yes" "Well I am going to kill you, the elder and every other person in the place,

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