Home Sweet Home

1297 Words
Kelsey A pair of crystal blue eyes that stared directly at me from across the field caught my attention. I’d recognize those eyes anywhere. They were burned into my memory like they belonged there, haunting me in my dreams for the past four and a half years. I watched him as he affectionately talked to the slutty blonde who was clearly trying to get his attention, he even put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her tightly into his rock hard body. Now that I think about it, he was probably trying to get a better look at her t**s. She looked like a barbie doll with her breasts hiked up to the sky. I didn’t understand why, but my hands clenched into tight fists as I continued to observe their encounter. Was I jealous? f**k no, I can’t be. I refused to be. I couldn’t peel my gaze off of him until he finally disappeared into the forest. I could feel Asher whip his head in the direction that I was so consumed in, silently acknowledging what had just happened. Guess he's still an alphahole, I thought to myself. Why was I expecting something different from a douchebag Alpha who rejected his mate on her birthday? I know he saw me. I caught him staring directly at me. I was sure that he had felt it too, it was like an invisible magnet tugging us together. He could have at least come over as pack Alpha and acknowledged me after four and a half years. He was well aware that he was the reason why I left Blackclaw all those years ago. I shook my head, trying to replace my irrational thoughts with the fact that I now had Eric in my life, a true gentleman through and through. I didn’t care about Alpha Blake. Right? If he wanted to avoid me, then I would happily let him. “So whatcha say Kels? The Wolf’s Den tonight like old times?”, Asher repeats. I’m sure he noticed that I’ve been distracted since I saw Blake across the field a few moments ago. “Ahh yeah… just a couple of drinks though. My check-in with Alpha Max is in the morning and I’d rather not self-sabotage my chances of a smooth meeting by showing up reeking like I had just gone on a bender," I admit. Asher’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he let out a full-fledged belly laugh, “Who you? Never! I think Alpha Max already knows you're trouble, Kels, he did watch you grow up." I couldn’t help the playful growl that bounced off of my chest, my mind immediately registering what he was referring too, “I do believe fine sir, that it was you who convinced Mia and I to steal those tractors." A smirk quickly formed on Asher’s face, “I never told you two psychos to drive them into the lake! That was all your own doing." Mia was like a sister to me. Her family had transferred to Crimson Pack when we were in high school. All of my favorite stories in Blackclaw had involved her in one way or another. Since graduating from the nearby college where we were supposed to attend together, she took over her parents’ café in town. Even though we spoke daily on the phone, I hadn’t seen her for almost five years. The bakery usually keeps her busy and from what I hear now she's been seeing some rockstar shifter in a band. “Yeah, yeah. As if you don’t remember when you almost set the pack house on fire. Clearly, Alpha Max forgave you for that one”, I shot back, holding up my finger like I was scolding a child. Suddenly, I felt slim arms wrap me from behind, “So this is what the entire pack is buzzing about.” I turned toward the brunette beauty and threw my arms around her, she hadn't changed a bit since I last saw her.“MIA! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Augh! It feels so good to see you in real life," I joked. Asher piped up, “if you move back home, you won’t have to miss anyone anymore” and winked at me before he took his exit towards the pack house. “Augh, that man doesn’t know how gorgeous he is, I swear. I don’t know how you two haven’t ever hooked up. I would’ve been all over that already,” Mia whispered into my ear. She's practically salivating just standing near him. I rolled my eyes, “Ugh Asher?! I could never! Just ask him out already, he won’t bite, I promise." Asher was definitely attractive, his entire body was shredded and he had gorgeous amber eyes that I was sure glowed when he was excited about something. He had dark blonde hair in a crew cut and had enough tattoos for the entire pack. It was no wonder why half the pack drooled over him. I don’t know how I would have survived Alpha Blake’s rejection without him basically holding my hand every step of the way. He had called every day for a year until he took the Beta position. After a few more minutes of catching up, Mia insisted that I had to come check out the renovations she had done to the café, The Aroma Mocha. She was adamant that I had to try their legendary caramel latte that they were known for, which was undoubtedly the closest thing I would ever taste to liquid gold. She was one of those friends that no matter how much time had passed, you instantly pick up where you left off, like it was just yesterday that you saw each other. I didn’t have to ask twice if she wanted to come to the Wolf’s Den. She got all giddy like a school girl. Apparently, the guy she had been dating for the past three months was in the band that was performing tonight at the bar. I could tell she was really into this guy already. Just as we were getting up from the table to leave the cafe, Mark entered with a few of his enforcer buddies who all gawked at Mia and I like we were their next dinner. Mark playfully squeezed my cheek, causing it to turn red just like he did when we were kids, which resulted in me dramatically rolling my eyes. “If it isn’t the ghost of Blackclaw herself, sorry I couldn’t come pick you up with mom and dad, baby sis”, he said. I wanted to lash out with some smart ass comment since my cheek was still pulsing, but I didn’t have the heart. It just felt so nice to be here, to finally be home and with the people I loved. Instead, I raised my hands up in surrender, “I heard you had pack training Mr. Big-Shot-Enforcer. I won't hold it against you." He stifled a laugh and shook his head, “Don’t you know it Kels. Some of us around here have to protect this pack. Speaking of which, Alpha Max wanted me to let you know that while you’re in Blackclaw, you’re expected to train with the warriors." If looks could kill, I was certain that Mark would have been dead by now. “Really?” I whined. “I just got here after five years and he throws me into pack training already? How is that fair?” He flashed me a sympathetic smile, “don’t shoot the messenger: 3pm tomorrow” and returned to his buddies whose eyes could have very well rolled out of their heads if they stared any longer.
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