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ALICIA Immediately, I lowered my gaze and bowed my head. My hands were shaking and I was so scared to look up to see if he noticed anything. Our task masters started ushering everyone in. I looked at my fellow maids and nervously bit my lower lip to stop it from shaking, but it didn't work. We waited for the guests that followed him to come in before we scattered our line and fixed ourselves on different parts of the hall instead. I was looking around the whole hall but the King’s face, even though I felt his gaze on me. My whole body was shaking, and I wondered how everything was going to end. If I could, I wanted to leave and not come back at all just because of how scared I was. My wolf continued to whine and chant the word, ‘mate’ but I was trying so hard to be normal. "Welcome to our pack, Alpha King. We are so happy with your presence," our Alpha and the taskmasters chanted in unison, and bowed afterwards . The King nodded and I felt his eyes on me again for about the billionth time. I wondered what he was thinking. Did he notice anything? Or was his wolf also saying something to him? I really hoped not because it would be a disaster! I couldn't even imagine being the King’s mate. Oh no! I wanted to do something or say something, but I didn't know what to do! My head and mind were blank and I was going crazy. I stood as if rigged to a spot, with my hands folded so that no one would know how badly they were trembling against my already shaking body. A few minutes later, Helen signaled to us to start serving the meals, and we instantly started doing that. We moved smoothly as we worked together which was something we had never done before. I could see the satisfaction on Helen and Maya’s faces. I was satisfied too. "Okay, now that the meal is over, please make yourselves comfortable. The dance floor is also open to anyone,” the Alpha of our pack stood up and announced proudly The King turned his head and looked around. He was facing me, and his eyes — which I immediately noticed were blue, ocean blue, were fixed on me and my hands had started trembling again, more so this time, especially when a few people had started noticing that he was staring at me. To make things better for me, I looked away from him and ran to the kitchen. Then I gripped the large table with my head lowered. I was trying to steady my shallow breathing. I didn't know what was happening to me. It was just weird and my wolf wasn't making things any better. After that was over and I was breathing better, I straightened my back and casually glanced around the kitchen. I didn't want to go back there because I didn’t want to make things more terrible for myself. My eyes settled on a pile of refreshments that had been kept in the kitchen. I thought Helen had told Emily, one of the maids to take it with her when we all took the food and drinks that we were supposed to carry with us to the hall. So why was it still in the kitchen? I kept on asking myself more questions before I decided to go to the hall again. When I got to the hall, my heart skipped more beats and I felt the platter on my palm tremble. Slowly, I started walking to the table where he was seated. His eyes were on me, but I tried so hard not to look at him. When I was about to get to the table, someone placed their leg on my path and I tripped along with the tray. My eyes quickly shut tight as I waited for my back to hit the floor, but it didn't.... Ouch!" I cried, as I opened my eyes and looked up to see the King staring down at me. His hands were on my lower back and the tray was in his other hand. We were in an intimate position and I realized that when I heard loud gasps from the people all around the hall. I quickly composed myself and stood straight. "I'm sorry, King," I said before I lowered my gaze, not being able to look straight into his eyes. I tried to move away from him, but his strong and firm hands stopped me from taking any other step. “Look at me!" he ordered and I shivered a little before raising my head up to look at him. His eyes… I was wrong about the color. They were not fully blue, and they were a mixture of gray and blue. His eyes were beautiful and worth getting lost in. "Yes, King? Do you need more refreshments? I can-“ I stopped talking when he held me tighter and pulled me closer, closing the space between us. I whimpered a little, trying to push myself from him and also save the tray from falling and spilling from his hands. "No, King, I have to leave. Please." I continued pleading, but it seemed like he didn't answer me as he didn't move at all. The tray slipped out of his hands and it shattered on the floor. It looked like it was done on purpose, but I was distracted by the way people started gasping and murmuring in the hall at the way he embraced me. The King started moving back, and he pulled me along with him. I tried pulling away, but he was too strong. As I trailed behind him, I heard people making side talks and they seemed so surprised at the way everything turned out. I was surprised too. I never thought I would get noticed by the King, not to talk of getting embraced by him. I could only wonder where he was pulling me to… and why. The King continued to pull me along with him until we got to his bedroom. I had never entered the bedroom before, so when he opened the door and wanted to drag me inside, I flinched and refused to go in. "I want you to come in. We have to talk, Alicia," he said and pulled me in, closing the door immediately. He finally released my wrist and I quietly winced at the sore spot, as I slowly rubbed the pain away. He sat on his bed and squinted his eyes at me. I could tell that he was thinking about something, but I didn't know what it was. I parted my lips slowly and tried to talk. "I… I think I might have to leave, King. There's a lot for me to do, and I will be punished if I waste any more time,”I said and bowed my head. The King didn't say anything for the first five minutes. Those were the longest five minutes of my life. I wondered what he was thinking, but I couldn't come up with any tangible answer. “Look at me," I heard him say. I straightened my back and did as he said. I looked deeply into his eyes and heard my wolf purr. I needed to do something about that. I… I couldn't be with the king. He was the King and I was just a maid. There was no connection and there could never be. But my wolf thought the opposite. I tried to concentrate so I lowered my gaze and twirled my right thumb in my palm. "Yes, King." "Move closer,” he said again, so I quietly cleared my throat and forced my legs to move forward. I continued moving closer until he nodded his head. I saw him stretch his hands and the next thing he did really shocked the hell out of me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and closed the small space between us. "Um… King, I-" I tried to say, but I couldn't form any other words. With his hands wrapped firmly round my waist and his eyes boring into mine, my whole mind was in jeopardy. He let out a sigh and released his grip around me when he saw how stiff I was. "Alicia,” he said and stopped, sitting up and raising his head again. "I want you to be my mistress." Mistress? was my first thought. Mistress? What? I wasn't sure I heard him correctly, but with the smile on his face, I knew he had really said it. How could he ask me to be his mistress when I was nothing but a mere maid? Didn’t he realize that? I cleared my throat and let out a sigh in order to think straight. "Um, Alpha king, I… I am flattered that you consider me worthy to be your mistress, but I don't know..." I stopped speaking when I saw him quirk a brow. He had an amused look on his face and I wondered why. “You don't have to worry. You're not going to regret this. I mean, you don't have to work as a maid here, and you don't have to be shouted at by your taskmaster. You… just have to be mine,” he said and crossed his hands on his highly built chest, looking so satisfied with himself. I forcefully peeled my eyes away from his chest and looked down as I wondered what the heck was happening. First, my wolf had been awakened by the gorgeous Alpha King before me and then, he asked me to be his mistress? I thought he was my mate because my wolf had whispered that, but I couldn’t be so sure because the King hadn’t acknowledged it yet. I would have said that I was dreaming, but I was sure that even my dream couldn't be that confusing. There was a moment of silence between us, and I didn't know what else to say. A few seconds later, he straightened his back and said, "I can understand that you're stunned right now. You can take some time to think about it and get back to me later." Hearing those words made me feel a bit better. At least, I was given a chance to think about it because I was almost going crazy. I nodded, bowed my head and turned around to leave. I slowly started walking to the door, but I suddenly stopped in my tracks. I realized that I didn't need to think about it too much because being the King’s mistress meant that I would have to share him with other mistresses. How could that happen when my wolf was going crazy over him? No. Instead of doing that, I would rather refuse the offer. After making up my mind, I turned around and licked my dry lips, before I parted them to speak. Then I looked deeply into the King's eyes and gave him my answer. "I'm sorry, King, but I don't think I want to be your mistress. So it’s going to be a no from me."
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