Chapter 13

1115 Words
~Shanice~ I swear I can’t breathe, which is funny since we are literally outside. There is nothing but air out here, but I feel like I’m suffocating under his gaze. His blue eyes are burning holes in me, and I’m not even mad about it. I don’t understand him, though. Janice says that she is his chosen, that he has welcomed her here and wants her to be his. If that’s the case, how did he notice me avoiding him for the last few days? I thought he was so wrapped up with my sister that he wouldn’t notice. “I…..I……” The smirk that graces his face is enough to set my ovaries aflame. I just want to jump on him and have my way with him. “You…….” I sigh. There’s no way I will be able to escape this. I hope he doesn’t think he is going to have both of us. I won’t share him, nor will I be his mistress. “Why don’t you just reject me now? There’s no point in waiting to do it.” Jax sits up and leans forward, grabbing my hands into his. “Why would I want to reject you? You’re my Goddess given mate. I’ve been waiting for you.” Now I’m really confused. This isn't what Janice told me. She said to me that we came here at his request, his request for her to be his chosen mate. How could he have been waiting for me when he’s had Janice this entire time? I’m so confused, but I know that I can’t let myself be a slave to the mate bond, no matter how strong it may be. “You can’t have both of us…..” Jax tugs on my hands, making me look at him. The sparks haven't relented, and they are making my mind fuzzy. It’s hard to keep eye contact with this man; he’s too damn sexy. I meet his eyes, nonetheless, and they seem to dig into me, right into my soul. “I can’t have both of……who?” Why is he acting like I don’t know the truth? Why is he dancing around the subject? My frustration sets in, and I pull my hands from his, getting to my feet. I start to pace back and forth. I can feel Jax’s eyes on me, but I don’t fall into that trap. “You have to choose….either me or her. You can’t have us both. You have to choose.” Jax gets to his feet and starts to walk closer to me. I can feel the heat following off his body. He looks confused, yet he’s looking at me with lust-filled eyes at the same time. I want to run away, but I also want to pull him into me and have my way with him. Stupid mate bond is driving me crazy, and I hate it. “Well, this is a cozy scene.” My head snaps up, and just behind Jax is my sister. Jax doesn’t turn his head but keeps his eyes on me, making me uncomfortable. “I’m glad you two are talking; I want you to get along.” I look between Jax and my sister, and I just can’t stand it. I turn on my heel and take off into the woods. ~Janice~ Imagine my surprise when I see my sister sitting on the grass with my man. She’s been doing so well staying away from him that I figure it was him who went to her. I decided to watch from afar to see what would happen. There’s no need to intervene if nothing comes of it. It’s when Jax holds her hands that I get peeved. She’s getting way too close, and I can’t let that stand. I start to walk over to the two slowly. I don’t want to alert them of my presence yet. I watch Shanice get up and start to pace, and I see Jax get up as well. I know the perfect time to announce myself is when he walks toward her. “Well, this is a cozy scene.” Jax doesn’t look back at me, but Shanice can’t remove her eyes. “I’m glad you two are talking; I want you to get along.” That’s enough to send Shanice flying into the woods, and I have to stifle my laugh. “What do you want, Janice?” Jax still hasn’t turned to look at me. I walk up behind him and run a hand across his back. He flinches under my touch and steps away from me. He finally turns to look at me, and I have to say his look is less than welcoming. “I just wanted to say hello. I think it’s great you are getting along with my sister. It will be important for later.” “What are you talking about?” I step closer to him while he steps back. He wants to play hard to get, I see. It’s actually kind of cute, but most things he does are cute. “Why don’t we stop playing these games? You remember how it was between us. Those feelings haven’t changed for me, and I’m sure they haven’t changed for you. Let’s stop fighting it and pick up where we left off.” Jax steps toward me, putting a smile on my face. “What we had was so long ago. It was a fling at best, and it’s been over. You were invited to stay in this pack, but that has nothing to do with me. There is no you and me, and there never will be. You need to understand that, or you will be asked to leave.” Jax walks around me and off to the packhouse. I can’t believe he would say that, but then again, it has been a long time. I’m sure if I remind him how it was between us, he will come to me willingly. I just need to figure out the best way to do that. My phone chirps, and I look down, seeing that I have a text. ‘You have something that belongs to me, and I want it back!’ The sender is unknown, but I know who it is. I don’t think they know where I am, but I have to make sure that remains the truth. I need to get a new phone as soon as possible in case they try to trace this one. I turn my phone off and pull out my sim card. I won’t let anything come between me and my future, no matter what I have to do.
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