I While Hestia was busy helping the elders and the Chieftain with the preparations for her coronation day as Princess Hestia, Vista, on one hand, was busy entertaining Alex. She would almost not leave Alex’s side. She was always at Chieftain Forono’s big kubol either bringing fruit, dishes, or anything to Alex. Like now, Vista brought Alex a seafood dish. “Hey Alex, you’ve got to taste this, I cooked this. It’s chili and sweetened shrimps.” Hestia, who was walking to the living room, where Alex and Vista were sitting, jokingly spoke but was actually half-meant. “How about me Vista? Where is my sweet chili shrimp? You know it’s my favorite. Seems like Alex is getting so much attention from you, huh?” Alex had a broad smile upon hearing Hestia’s voice. He loved the way she calmly showed