I Just a day before the engagement party, Cara was really so busy. She stayed at Lexsan Hotel for the whole day as she spearheaded the team preparing for the party. She also made sure that every nitty-gritty of the upcoming grand event was checked. She was quite tired when she laid her back on her bed inside her suite in the hotel. She sighs happily. At long last, her eldest brother is getting married. Eventually, she will have her cute nephews and nieces. She falls asleep with a smile on her lips. At Caralex Bay Resort, Hestia and Alex are on the lanai, chatting over a cup of coffee. “Something is bothering me, Alex,” Hestia’s voice was almost like a whisper, but Alex clearly hears it. “Why Hest? Is there any problem?” Alex furrowed. Hestia put down her cup of coffee first before s