#Chapter 28: The Missing Princess

1328 Words

Rowena   A soft sigh escaped my lips as I kicked off my shoes in the doorway of our mansion. It had been a long, but satisfying, day. I had new patients for my clinic, I was gaining more traction as a combat manager, and I had a date with Adrian planned.   Everything finally felt like it was coming together. I couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, I would finally be taken seriously at the warrior camp. Maybe now people would begin to respect me rather than treating me like an outcast.   It wasn’t long before the sound of sizzling and the scent of something cooking caught my attention, and I followed it to the kitchen.   “Hey, Mom.” I rounded the corner to find my mom standing at the stove, cooking her famous carbonara.   “Hey, honey,” my mom said as I slid onto one of t

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