Abel - Cocky Bastard

1124 Words
The funeral rounded off by evening time, and everyone was too exhausted to do anything, let alone travel back home. We stayed back in Tuscany, sharing a suite of rooms — my bedroom was right next to Solana's and the walls were thin so I could very well hear whatever she was up to in her room. Our flight to New York left early the next day, and Solana would move into my mansion. She's finished her studies and graduated with the overall best result, and now that she'd turned twenty-three, it was time for her to step into her role as my wife. My possession. Mine. It was a minute past seven when I knocked softly on her door to announce my presence. I was clutching a stainless tray containing her dinner. I knew she was completely gutted by the event that took place today, and as a kindness, I'd ordered a kitchen staff to bring her food upstairs. The scent of the food made my stomach rumble now as I stood in the corridor, waiting for her to open the door. Left alone for me, I wouldn't have approved for her to have her room, but I didn't want to rush things. Wanted to give her space to mourn, before I force her to share my bed and everything else I own. "Who is it?" She asked, her voice muffled, a bit hoarse from too much crying. "Abel. Dinner's ready." "I'm not hungry," she replied sharply. "A steward already asked me before." "Well, I need you to eat. It's seven PM already and you haven't taken anything in all day. You need enough energy for our flight tomorrow." "I don't care about my energy or any stupid flight. I said I'm not hungry. Deal with it." "Open the door, Solana." "No. Leave me alone, Abel. I don't want to see your face, nor do I want your food." "I'm only going to ask this once. My patience is running thin already." "Typical bully behavior right there. What are you going to do next? Let me guess. Break the door down? Ah, I wouldn't be surprised one bit. It's always like the big bad wolf to huff and puff, then resort to violence if he doesn't get his way." I beamed. Smart girl. But I was smarter. Way smarter. Sliding the key into the lock, I turned the knob and pushed the door open. Her jaw went slack as she whirled around from where she sat in front of the huge mirror attached to the vanity dresser. Her expression was priceless. "No need to huff and puff, then resort to violence in this case, darling. I own this place. I have the key to every single room." I held the key up, dangling it in my grasp for her to see. Though heavily air-conditioned, the air in the rooms felt moist and sticker, and her room was twice as worse. I cursed under my breath, sliding off my jacket and tie, and popping open the first few buttons of my shirt. "Your house?" She c****d her head to the side, a sly smile tugging the side of her upper lip. I knew she was trying to rile me up, and she was succeeding. A little. "Since when do you actually own anything around here?" Ignoring her, I smirked as I went to her suitcase, flipping it open. I riffled through her belongings for a while, before finding her exotic collection of colorful bras and panties and I lifted them out. "What are you doing? Get your filthy hands away from my things, Abel!" She rushed, jumping up and trying to claw them out of my grip, but I held the undergarments higher above my head, further out of her reach, grinning. "Now, do you care about my food? Dinner's ready." "You stubborn piece of s**t! I hate you. You'll pay for this!" She kept jumping to reach the silky underwear. I stepped back and gave her all but one of the bras. Pink. Small, with white straps. I smirked as I inspected it. "My, what a cutie." "f**k you!" She whipped it out of my grip successfully, before I could take it high above my head, her arms exerting so much force and tension as she shoved them back into her suitcase and attempted to zip it. With a scoff, I clamped my palms around her wrists and turned her so she could face me. "Solana — " "You're so insufferable. Let me be!" She's already changed into a sexy nightie; a simple, long, silky black dress that stopped just above her knees. She wore no bra, and the swell of her small, round t**s was visible through the fine, black fabric, as we're her protruding black n*****s pressing against it. "Listen to me, Solana. Let's get one thing clear here. You're twenty-two, and you're done with your studies already. Whatever ties you have to this place ends today. You'll move in with me, and I expect you to act like a wife. You belong to me. I own you. Every part of you, and you must obey me." "Oh, how shocking!" She gasped dramatically. "I must obey you?" I frowned. "Yes." "Or what? What are you going to do if I disobey?" She tried to break free from my grip, but I shook her twice, holding her tighter. Her fingers tremble where they curled around the fabric of my shirt. "So many beautiful possibilities," I say slowly as my gaze dropped to her t**s while I brushed a thick strand of hair from her shoulder, my tongue darting out to wet my bottom lip. "So, so many options, sweetheart." Before I could lift my eyes back to her face, she wrung her right hand with so much strength, I almost stumbled. She raised it to slap me, but my grip hardened and I tossed her onto the bed. She landed with a thump, and before she could rise, I climbed on top of her and grabbed her small wrists, pinning them above her head, crushing her with my weight. My eyes traveled down involuntarily over the perfect swell of her breasts to where her nighties rode up her thigh, exposing her fine, pink cunt. She wasn't wearing any panties. She slept stark naked. I slept stark naked too. I love the fact that she slept naked. I could have unlimited access to her body. Her breasts. Her sweet-smelling cunt. Fuck. My c**k went rigid, straining and making my briefs tighter. Solana stopped struggling, her body still, her breath becoming shallow as she glanced down at the crotch of my pants for a moment before she looked back up at me. Damn.
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