2081 Words

“The devil you’ll take Sylvia with you,” he grunted. Lord Farron, stepping to one side, caught hold of the Count’s raised arm and hurled him back down the stairs. He landed groaning at Sylvia’s feet. His eyes closed and opened and closed again. He was unconscious. Sylvia stared down at him. He was her fiancé, but she did not want to touch him or help him. She felt humiliated and embarrassed before Lord Farron. Lord Farron beckoned to the doorman who had come to the top of the stairs at the sound of the commotion. “Do you know where this gentleman lodges?” he asked. “I do,” said the doorman. He mentioned the name of a street. Lord Farron nodded. “Then help me carry him to my coach,” he said. “W..where are you taking him?” asked Sylvia. Without looking at her, Lord Farron replied. “

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