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CHAPTER SIXThe crocuses were out and daffodils were bobbing merrily in the breeze. A bright April sun struck sparks off the estuary water. Charity and Sylvia were strolling in the garden. The air was crisp. Sylvia was glad that the Duchess had sent her over a cloak, as well as some dresses from Castle Belham. Leaning on Charity’s arm, Sylvia took a deep, happy breath. It was a beautiful day! The drama of the previous evening seemed to have taken place in another world entirely. Lord Farron, once he had laid Sylvia on her bed, had rung for a maid. Poor Hattie, the only one to have heard the bell from her quarters behind the kitchen, arrived with her dress and apron thrown on in disarray and her night-cap still on her head. Lord Farron asked Hattie to summon his sister Charity. Charity

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