Chapter 1~ Mafia Boss

1781 Words
Aryan pov I am Aryan Thompson, 24 years old. My height is 6 '11'’, Blue eyes, handsome, hot, and black hair. I have fair skin with a god-gifted muscular body. My body can make any girl drool over it. But l hate being involved with girls. They are a headache and attention seeker. I don't know how someone can tolerate girls which I can never and also will not in the future. I am very happy with my current status. I am the mafia king of Russia and Italy. Apart from being a mafia king, l am also known as CEO of the AT group of industry. I live in Moscow and my business is all over the world. I am also known as a business tycoon and multi-billionaire. Everyone called me a ruthless king of business. They fear messing with me as they all know who l am and what l can do with them if they try to do anything. My parents were killed when l was only 6 years old. They died in front of my eyes but l can't save them. I am helpless at that time to even save them. Before my parent's murder could catch me, l ran away from my place. I stayed on the road for 7 months before my parents' best friend found me and took me home with them. That was none other than David's parents. I stayed with them and they treated me like their own children. But unfortunately, they were also killed by our enemy. David and l were both that time 15 years old when they killed David's parents also and made me an orphan for the second time. Those bastards made me an orphan two times. I am still finding them madly but still now there is no clue about them. They just disappear like they never existed in the world. I made myself strong after David's parent's death. I train harder myself, so l can protect David and take revenge for our parents' death. I promise myself that l will not let anything happen to David. He is my only family left in this world. I will not let anyone even touch his hair. Before doing anything to him, they have to face me. “Boss, what should we do with him?”, my trusted man Jake asked me. I came out of my through and looked in front of me with dark eyes. I am in my underground base and handling one bastard who dared to betray me. Aryan:“Jake, bring my tools. Let me enjoy some moments with him”, l replied to him with a smirk. He gave me a big smile and left to bring my tortured tools. My teammates always became excited if they heard l want to torture my victim. I smirk looking in front of me while playing with my gun. One person is sitting and beaten badly. His leg and hand are tied up. He is unconscious from an earlier beating. I stand up and walk towards him. I pick a cold water basket from down and throw it in his face. He wakes up gasping for breath. “What the f**k?”, he said and looked in front of him. Aryan:“Sleep complete, then should l start my fun”, l asked him with a cold voice. He started sweating seeing me and his face became pale. “Please, let me go. I know l have made a huge mistake, boss. But please let me go, l have a family to take care of”, he said pleadingly while sweating badly. Jake:“Boss, here is your favorite box”, he said after putting my torture toolbox. Aryan:“Ohh, now you also have one invisible family. Don't worry about your invisible family too much. I will take care of them once you go to hell”, l said while pulling his hair and making him look into my eyes. He screams in pain and pleads in front of me to forgive him. “Please give me the last chance. This will never happen again”, he said scaredly pleading in front of me to save his life. Aryan:“That you should think before you betray me. In the Aryan dictionary there is no forgiveness”, l said and cut his three fingers using my special knife. “Ahhhhhhh, Please leave me”, he said screaming. I chuckled loudly seeing him in pain. I like fear seeing in my victim's eyes. Aryan:“You don't know how much l love seeing you screaming from pain. That's why you should never betray Aryan”, l smirked and pulled out his nails. Jake:“Boss, David sir want to talk with you”, he said, passing me his phone. Aryan:“Put in the speaker”, l said and he put the phone in the speaker. David:“What the hell you aren't picking up my phone, you bastard”, he screamed before l could say anything. Aryan:“I am busy”, l said with a cold voice. David:“Buh, here l am dying with worry thinking something happened to you and you are telling me you are just busy”, he said screaming. Aryan:“Why did you call me, just tell me the reason before I cut your call?”, l said while ignoring his screaming. David:“Come home right now. We are going club”, he said in an excited voice after calming him down. Aryan:“ l can't. I am busy. If you want, you can go and take some bodyguards with you”, l told him while rolling my eyes. David:“ I don't care if you are busy or not. You are coming means coming and that's also right now”, he said yelling loudly. Thankfully phone is not near my ear otherwise l doubt my ear will become deaf from his screaming and yelling. Aryan:“l can't come, you can go alone if you want to club. I have some work”, l said calmly. No matter what still now l never get angry at him nor even scold him. I spoiled him so much and he is the only person who can talk to me with this tone. David:“You don't love me. I wish I could die with my parents and then maybe you understand my importance”, he said while fake crying. I rolled my eyes after listening to his melodramatic act. I don't know how many times he uses this. Aryan:“Fine, stop your acting. I am coming. Wait for me at home”, l told him while rolling my eyes and signed heavily. He started screaming again from excitedment. I bet he is now dancing around the living room and jumping around from happiness. I smile a little but quickly change my expression after looking at my victim. Aryan:“Seems like you are safe from my torture. You should pray for my David for that. He saved you from getting tortured”, l said while looking at him and smirking after seeing his smile. He smiled and was about to thank me but before than l shot him in the chest. He looked at me with widened eyes. Aryan:“Why are you looking at me like that? I said you are free from torture not from your death”, l said smirking at his shocked face. Aryan:“Say hello from me to hell lard”, l said and shot on his heart again. I wiped the blood from my hand using hanky after killing him and looked at Jake. Aryan:“Burn the dead body, nobody should find any clue, and then come into our usual club. I am going now otherwise that impatient person will eat my head with thousands of questions”, l said while rolling my eyes and started walking outside as he nodded at me. I went towards my car and started driving first. I reached in front of our home and gave two horns. Soon l saw David coming running while smiling brightly. One thing we are best friends or you can say brother. But we are both opposites in personality. He is a social butterfly and l am an introverted and cold-hearted person. I don't like to talk much and he can't stop talking if he starts. But he can also become serious when it comes to business-related work. He is also my business partner. David:“I am waiting for you, it seems like age”, he said after sitting in the car and looked at me narrowing his eyes. I rolled at him at his nonsense and started driving the car. As usual, he started talking about random things and laughing alone. I only listen, not saying anything. We reach in front of our usual club where we always come. We are also VlP members of this club. I don't like going to clubs but David is always a big fan of clubs and parties. As l park my car and come out. The first thing l heard loud music. I cursed in my mind and started following him with a cold face. I feel cringe seeing a lot of people. I hate those things. Few people dancing, drinking, making out with each other. We started walking into the VlP room. As we are moving, girls are touching us. I am feeling angry, l give them a death glare. They quickly moved away from me seeing my dark red eyes. David looked at me and shook his head. Aryan: “You go, l am coming after to use the bathroom”, l said and left from there without hearing him. After using the bathroom, l am going towards our booked room. But suddenly as l was passing from one room, one melody laugh caught my attention. I stopped walking and looked into the room and saw one girl back facing me. She is laughing with a boy while talking about something. Her long black hair is beautiful and it looks so soft. I want to touch and caress her hair. Looking back, l can say she is so sexy. Every curve of her body is perfect. As l am busy, admiring her very part of body sutures. My phone suddenly rang and brought me to my senses. I cursed myself for what l was thinking and left there.
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