
222 Words
INTRODUCTION I have always loved any book I can get my hands on about ESP, psychic powers, clairvoyance, any of it. Fiction, non-fiction, all of it. Give me, please. But what I’ve always wanted to know is how someone with those powers lives his or her everyday life. What do you do when you can see, hear, and know what other people can’t? Do you still bake cookies, walk your dog, go to Target? If so, how are those experiences different? This collection of mysteries about retired psychology professor and clairvoyant Dr. Winifred Parsons is my exploration of that. I wanted to write a life that wasn’t all flash and dazzle and jazz hands. For Winnie Parsons, her psi ability is just like any other talent someone might have. And she treats it the same way an athlete or musical genius might treat his or her own talent: by trying to get better at it all the time. I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I loved writing every story in it. As you’ll see, I also took the opportunity to weave in some of the cool frontier science I’ve researched over the years. Can’t get enough of that, either. Now let’s go see what Winnie and her yellow Lab Clover are up to over the Thanksgiving holiday in THE GENIUS TRACK. Enjoy! ~Robin Brande THE GENIUS TRACK
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