Chapter 15

572 Words
On the other side of the room, Charles was so excited that he already put on his tuxedo the moment he entered the room. Then he kept looking at his face on the mirror. Ah, he’s handsome enough to deserve Eleanor. Yes, he is. One hour passed and he kept on thinking what is going on inside his bride’s dressing room. He wanted to take a peek. However, as he approached the door, someone opened it. It was Sam, his bestfriend. “Hey, buddy. Where are you going?” Sam wondered. “To Eleanor’s dressing room,” he said automatically. Sam smiled. He never thought his friend could be dangerously in love. “I want to talk to you about something, Charles.” “What about it?” Charles halted. “It’s about Eleanor.” Sam looked serious. Charles knew that this topic is serious. He stared at his bestfriend then went back to the room and motioned him to sit down on the chair opposite the bed. Sam sat down facing him. “Charles, there is no guarantee that Eleanor’s condition would be stable. She will be having episodes of headaches and the like as her memory would come back in time.” Sam said in a serious tone. “I know.” Charles said seriously. “Are you sure that you will marry her in this state?” Sam wanted to make sure. “No doubt about it.” “Even if she hasn’t regained her memories yet?” “This is the best choice for me to keep her by my side.” “What if she will hate you for this? You don’t want to her hate you, do you?” Sam sounded genuinely concerned about his friend. “Then I’ll be ready for it. I still have time to get used to it,” Charles answered with determination. Sam stopped. His bestfriend is crazily serious. He kept quiet. He knows that he cannot talk Charles out of this. He thought he has known him for so long, but this side of him was kept secret from him. He was even surprised how Charles managed to stage a wedding for a night. He just left his villa yesterday after treating Eleanor, but Charles already accomplished everything in such a short period of time. Sam first met Charles in a cruise ship in the Caribbean. One night when Sam went down to the bar on the ship, he saw Charles sleeping on the counter. Then he realized that he has been drinking a lot all by himself. At that time, Sam helped Charles to go back to his room. He was able to locate it by looking at the door card in his pocket. The next day, Charles realized that somebody helped him the night before and tried to locate the man. He then located Sam and the rest was history. From that time on, they became the closest of friends most especially when they realized that they are living in the same island. They spent time a lot of time together, and Charles became his client as a doctor. “Sam, there’s something that I never told you about.” Charles broke Sam’s reminiscence of their first meeting. Sam was surprised. “What do you mean, Charles?”
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