Chapter 37

508 Words

After undergoing an intense emotional outburst, Minerva got charged up to fight against the hard challenges of life once again. She let go off Minda, wiped her tears and stood up. She took out her cellphone and dialed a private number. "Hello?" the man on the other line said. "Hello investigator Carlos. I am calling to follow up on any development on my daughter's whereabouts." "Good day, ma'am Minerva. As of now, our latest update is that your daughter's body is not found among those who were rescued from the shipwreck. It was not among the dead bodies found on the site of the accident as well. We are looking on the possibility that she was washed out in nearby islands." Minerva's knees got weak like jelly. She could have fallen if she did not hold on to the rails on the veranda. "Ma

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