Chapter 69

520 Words

"Eleanor?!" Sam exclaimed the moment he saw her in Charles' arms. He rushed to the couple and helped Charles sit Eleanor on the headboard. She is weak, really fragile. Slowly, the two men helped her stabilize herself on the bed. There's a reason for her weakness and body fatigue. She has been in a coma for a month and she had no food intake. That's why she has always been in dextrose. However, it is still not enough to keep her body nourished. Sam stared at her. She has lost much weight, looking thinner than before. "You've been asleep for a month, Eleanor. You worried even me when you were not responding to any treatment given to you," Sam said in a concerned tone. Eleanor just stared at him. She remained silent and expressionless. Sam smiled. "It's okay, Eleanor. You don't need to a

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