Chapter 43

517 Words

"Huff, huff, huff, huff...." Eleanor was so tired of running and running. She has been running away from the truth, from the fact that Charles left her. She has witnessed it all. She has seen how he did it in detail. She has seen how he exchanged her with his dreams in life. She has seen how he used her as a stepping stone to promotion. He has done it all boldly before her very eyes. Why was she blind before? Why has she not seen this side of him before? Or was she blinded by her love for him that her brain became too paralyzed to think? Her tears dropped. They have been threatening to fall a while back but she has been suppressing them in her eyes. She still continued running and running. Her legs are numb but she has to run faster and faster. This is the only way for her to cope with h

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