How Siegfried was sent to Worms When that they had journeyed full nine days on their way, Then spake of Tronje Hagen: "Now hear what I shall say. We tarry with the tidings for Worms upon the Rhine. At Burgundy already should now be messengers of thine." Then outspake King Gunther: "There hast thou spoken true. And this selfsame journey, none were so fit thereto As thyself, friend Hagen. So do thou now ride on. This our high court journey, none else can better make it known." Thereto answered Hagen: "Poor messenger am I. Let me be treasure-warden. Upon the ships I'll stay Near by the women rather, their guardian to be, Till that we bring them safely into the land of Burgundy. "Now do thou pray Siegfried that he the message bear, For he's a knight most fitting this thing to hav