
954 Words

EPILOGUE Ford I had her eyes covered as I led her through the snow. It had fallen overnight, and it was crisp and clear now. “Ford,” she complained on a laugh. Yeah, not much of a complaint. The cabin was done, and I’d somehow been able to keep her from seeing it. I’d wanted it to be a surprise, and she’d respected that, steering clear of the creek for the past few months. But now it was time to show her where we’d live. Together. I had paid extra for the contractor to add extra men and build faster. They’d stepped up to the task, and only three months after I’d rescued Indi off the mountain–or she’d rescued herself–it was time for the big reveal. I’d covered her eyes just before the rise and had guided her the rest of the way in. I dropped my hands, and she blinked. I stared at he

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