Explosions and Discussions

1143 Words

“Asher speaking…” My heart pumped at the sound of his voice and I was taken aback, rethinking everything I had done. Am I doing the right thing? Will he think I’m cheesy? Will he laugh at my gesture to make amends? “Who is this?” there it struck me. Right in the gut. He never had my number because we never spoke over the phone. I got his number from Layla a year ago and he never knew. “S…Scarlet” I answered hesitantly. “Red” I heard him grinning through the phone in the way he had said my nickname. “You miss me already”. What he said was true. I was missing him terribly. “No, I just wanted to find out when you would be back” “When you want me to Red. Do you want me home?” his tone of voice sent shivers down my spine. It was so gruff and sexy that if he was here it would be hard for me to

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