Chapter 3

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The only break I took was to drink a glass of water after the kitchen floor was dry. It helped alleviate the” “It helped alleviate the” “residual effects of my hangover, and I started to feel more like myself. With a clearer mind, I assessed my predicament and decided that living with it was preferable to dealing with the consequences of that picture of me being circulated among my peers. Although Mason was picking on me in a more extreme way than before, he was still the same bully he had been for the past three years. He dealt in psychological warfare rather than physical, and as long as it stayed that way, I could deal with it until I could take my own revenge on him. I had formulated my own plan while I scrubbed the bathtub. I knew that Mason’s birthday was on November 17th, which was three months of child away from today. He would be eighteen years old, but I would still be seventeen until February. That meant that he would be an adult in possession p*********y, since I was a minor. I had realized that I could go to the police now, but I wanted him to face the full extent of the law. The consequences would be a lot more severe if he was charged as an adult. “I just had to bide my time until then, and I would as long as he didn’t take things too far. It would be worth it to see him pay for all the misery he had put me through. If I could make it through three more months, Mason would spend the rest of his life wishing that he had never taken that picture. He “would regret the day he ever started messing with me in the first place. When I happened upon his room as I vacuumed upstairs, I was surprised to discover that it was the cleanest room in the house. There was no dust on his dresser, and it had none of the clutter that was typical in a teenage boy’s room. Nothing littered the floor to impede my way with the vacuum, and I was done quickly. Yet I lingered to look around in his private space. There were a few bottles of men’s cologne on his dresser along with his deodorant. Whenever I had gotten a whiff of him over the years, he always smelled good. The way he dressed in slacks and nice shirts was probably a remnant from his boarding school days. His appearance and his understated masculine scent left a more sophisticated impression than other guys his age. Even his bedroom gave off that impression. There was nothing about it that indicated that it was a teenage guy’s room. It looked like a man’s bedroom with its elegant masculine look. The walls were painted a soft gray, and his bed was black and accented by “accented by a white bedspread and white pillows stacked by the black headboard. The refined look of this room matched the outward appearance of its owner. The family photograph on his nightstand completed the effect. It showed Mason with his parents. They were all smiling and looking happy.” “Yet looks could be deceiving. Mason’s dad had been cheating on Mason’s mom, so they hadn’t been as happy together as they appeared. I didn’t know what Mason had been like back then, but his bad behavior now ruined the good impression gleaned from his appearance. “That was what your slut mother destroyed,” he said, and I turned to see him standing in the doorway. “Then why not go after her?” I asked. “Why are you taking it out on me? I was a kid, just like you were.” Surprise showed on his face. “You’re not going to defend your mother? Try to tell me that it wasn’t her fault?” “It was just as much his fault as it was hers. Unless you think that she r***d him.” “She knew that he was a married man,” he argued, his voice rising in volume as he moved toward me. “She knew that he had a family.” “So did he,” I retorted. “But that didn’t stop him from cheating on his wife.” Mason went still, and his eyes took on that dangerous gleam. I froze at the realization that I “Did I say that you could address me by my first name?” he snapped at me. “Let me make something clear to you. You are my servant, and you will know your place. You will call me sir.” My temper flared instantly at that outrageous demand. “Sir?” I sneered. “Is that some b*****e crap? Because if you think I’ll ever let you touch me, you’re out of your mind.” haven’t done a damn thing to earn my respect,” I lashed out at him. “Talk about trash! What kind of an asshole undresses an unconscious girl and takes pictures of her?” He gave me a mocking smile. “You weren’t unconscious. I was just going to take a video of you acting like a drunk fool, but you tried to seduce me. You were dancing suggestively and rubbing up against “and then you took off your shirt.” I scoffed at his claim. “You’re lying.” “I have the video to prove it,” he replied. “I already had enough to make you squirm, but then you asked me if I wanted to see more. You took your clothes off for me.” “As I watched him with a skeptical look, his gaze momentarily dropped from mine as he swallowed in what almost appeared to be a nervous gesture. His jaw hardened, and there was a steely look in his eyes when they met mine again. “You told me that you’ve had a crush on me since you were twelve years old.” I froze. “You’re lying,” I whispered. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and swiped at the screen before coming to stand beside me as the video played. I saw myself dancing alone first, my body moving to the beat of the music. I stopped to take a swig of tequila straight from the bottle before resuming my dancing. “Smile,” a male voice said. “I’m taking your picture.” I halted and faced the camera directly, my face breaking out into a delighted smile the way it never would if I saw him when I was sober. “Mason! You’re here! Dance with me!” “Hold this,” he said, presumably talking to Addison. “Keep filming.” He appeared in the camera frame, and I approached him with my arms raised, dancing seductively. “You’re so hot,” I told him. “I have sexy dreams about you “What happens in your dreams?” he asked in a low, seductive voice as he gazed at me.” “I pressed my body up against his. “You touch me,” I answered in a sultry tone. “Where?” I took a step back from him and pulled my shirt off, flinging it away. “Touch me,” I urged, closing the space between us again. The camera tilted crazily, and the floor and wall came into view at a sideways angle. “That’s enough,” Addison said. “Keep filming!” Mason barked. “You’re not f*****g screwing her, Mason. I won’t The camera view tilted again. “Get out of here,” he growled. “Are you kidding me?” she exclaimed. “You think you can screw her in my house?” “Shut up!” he yelled. “I’m not screwing her. I f*****g hate her.” “You hate me?” I heard myself wail. “But why?” The camera view captured me again, and I was pouting. “Go,” Mason commanded. “I want to get this damn video.” “I can—” “Leave,” he cut her off sharply. “Promise you won’t do anything with her.” “I f*****g promise,” he snapped. “Just let me get this done, and she’ll be out of your hair.” I was drinking more tequila while they argued, but I set down the bottle as he approached me. “You’re taking my picture?” “I asked happily, apparently having forgotten the conversation we just had. “Yes,” he replied. “You’ve got a great body.” I smiled at him, pleased with the compliment. “Want to see more?” “Yes,” he said. “Show me more.” “Is this a dream?” I asked him. “You take off my clothes in my dreams.” “Yeah?” he responded, his voice sounding husky. “You’re so beautiful,” I spoke dreamily. “I’ve had a crush on you since I was twelve. I want to marry you.” Mason moved the phone away from me and turned off the video. “Proof that you asked me to take off your clothes,” he clipped out. “How could you do that?” I demanded. “After I was all...” The word vulnerable came to mind, but I didn’t voice it. “Romantic?” he supplied derisively. “Yeah, I wasn’t falling for that. I know your mother taught you to use whatever you can to get your claws into a man.” “I’m not like my mother!” I raged. “I don’t use s*x to get things. I’ve never even...” I trailed off in mortification. He was the last person I wanted to confess that to. He snorted. “You’ve never had s*x? Addison told me how you “said you’re a virgin, but I’m not buying that bullshit. Not” “with how you spread your legs for me last night.” I stared at him. “We didn’t...” His silver-gray eyes regarded me contemptuously. “I told you I wouldn’t touch trash like you. You’re my servant and nothing else. Is that clear?” “Don’t call me trash,” I said as I glared at him. “The only words that should come out of your mouth when you speak to me are yes sir. Say it,” he ordered. “I’m not calling you—” “Say it, or I’ll send that picture out to everyone on my contact list,” he threatened as he raised his phone and held his thumb over the screen. I lunged at him and tried to grab his phone, but he reacted with quick reflexes and twisted away from me in what looked like some kind of martial arts move. I skidded to a stop and turned to face him. “Do you really think that I don’t have that picture stored anywhere else?” he enquired coolly. “If you break my phone, you’ll just have to buy me a new one. Now say the words.” Everything in me rebelled against it. Somehow it seemed worse than the indignity he had already put me through “Yes sir,” I said through gritted teeth. His mocking smile made me want to slap him. “Now remember to address me that way at the party tonight.”
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