Book 4 Chapter 4

1124 Words
Tate and Drake were on her heels alongside me as we chased after her. Lights illuminating the road signaling a car was coming down the road. I watch as she doesn’t even stop, just keeps running. Out of my peripheral vision, I see Drake grab Tate by the scruff of his neck, ripping him back as they slide across the dew-covered ground, stopping just before the road, yet she keeps running. The screech of brakes on the Bitumen road squealed loudly as the driver tried to break in time. The car narrowly missed me as it swerved around me as I tried to grab her. The back end of the car sliding out and taking her out. Sending her skidding across the ground. White fur covering the road along with a blood trail. Everything happens so quickly as I watch her wolf hit the ground, being flung like a rag-doll before rolling, her wolf being forced to shift, and I watch horrified as the road skins her before coming to a stop in a heap on the ground. The driver jumped from the car in a hurry, and I noticed it was Elias, Drake and Tate’s Beta driving Drake's truck. “It came out of nowhere” He screams, rushing over to her alongside me. Drake Tate and I could hear her shifting back as we approached her body, where it had stopped some thirty meters from the car. She crawls to her hands and knees, and all I could see in moonlight is the golden blonde hair drenched in blood cascading to the ground around her. I heard her groan when her head snapped in our direction. What I wasn’t expecting was to see Amber and Emerald Green glowing eyes like a snake reflecting back at me. All of us were freezing on the spot. She growls loudly in warning as I find my feet and step toward her naked form. Under normal circumstances, I would be pissed she was naked in front of other men, but considering she was covered in blood and the circumstances, it didn’t faze me. What did however was watch her stand. Her left leg was clearly broken, the bone jutting out the side and protruding through her skin as she tried to stand. One arm now hanging limply before I watch as she grabs it, yanking it back into place with an audible popping sound. Tate, Drake and Elias fanned out to the sides as we tried to cage her in, because staring at the beauty that is my mate, it was clear even in this injured state she was going to try and fight her way out. Drake getting behind her makes her head whip in his direction. She growls and we watch amazed as her canines slip out as she partly shifts, her claws slipping from her fingers as they crack back into place. We had her surrounded, but the feral look on her face reminded me of a rabid animal. “We won’t hurt you,” Tate says, putting his hands out and stepping nearer, her hand whipping out, and he steps back just before her claws s***h down his chest. She stumbles, having missed her target, she falls forward, giving me the perfect view of her rounded peach ass. She staggered, trying to regain her footing. Her blood spilled onto the road, and I saw the huge gash running across her ear and into her hairline. She stood upright as we all stepped closer. She was now within my grabbing distance before she suddenly threw up. Projectile vomiting blood onto the ground in front of Elias' feet. His shoes became drenched. She clutches her head, I could hear her heartbeat pounding in her chest so fast it sounded like a hummingbird's wings fluttering against a strong wind. I watch as she sways on her feet, reaching out to her. My hand closes around her forearm, which fits easily in her palm. She was underweight, but looking at her, she couldn’t be much older than 19 or 20. Her body goes limp as she collapses. Scooping her up before she hits the ground. Her body lay limp in my arms as her head lulled to the side. I look down at her unconsciously in my arms. I honestly thought I would never catch her, never find her again. I was in disbelief, and by the looks on everyone else's faces, so were they. She had evaded us for months, and now I finally had her. But the biggest question I had eating at me was do I get to keep her? All of us startled out of our shock when we hear the screams of a voice I recognized as Tim as he comes barreling out of the trees and onto the road, three wolves on his tail as he races toward me, before hiding behind me like the coward he is. Tate waves his arms, catching the attention of the three wolves. They stop and I watch as they look at their Alpha like loyal soldiers. Their necks turned in submission as he talks to them through the mind link. After a second or two, they turn on their tails and head back into the trees. “Oh thank God, I thought my ass was supper,” Tim says, catching his breath, his blonde hair sticking to his face as he tries to catch his breath. “Do you mind getting your grubby paws off me?” I growled at him, where he was hanging onto my shirt behind me barely intact. His filthy hands slipped from my torn-up shirt. “What do you want to do with him?” Elias asks, eyeing him. If I hadn't needed him, I would have killed him, but he is the only link we have to humans hunting us. As I turn, I look back at Tim. “Bring him might help when she wakes up seeing someone familiar, besides he could use a shower and a proper meal.” “I’m hosing him off outside first. Lana will kill me if I let him on the furniture in that state.” Drake said, looking him up and down. Tim was filthy and looked like he had rolled in manure, and didn't smell much better either. “Fine, you come with us,” I tell him, walking toward Drake's truck. “He rides in the tray. I am not having him ruin my seats. I just got them refurbished,” Drake said and I nodded for Tim to climb in the tray before sliding in the passenger seat with my mate on my lap. The familiar tingles I haven't felt since Danika rushed over my body.
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