2003 Words

“But won’t the runners be unknowing accomplices?” asked Paul. “If your operation has such good men involved, won’t you be doing in your friends?” “I’m in charge of scheduling,” grinned Higgins. “I made sure some of the less desirable elements have this particular duty.” Paul snorted silently to himself. So that was it. A repaying of some old debts. On Gordy’s bad side? Go to prison. Meanwhile, old Gordy and his friend Nettleson are heroes, turning in the good guys who became bad guys. It made Paul want to gag. There had to be more. Once the operation was exposed, there was nothing to keep Gleckman, his runners, and the ‘couple others’ from incriminating Higgins and Nettleson. After all, both men had already admitted being involved with Lobo Path. Nettleson claimed to be retired, but sti

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