Chapter 149: Rosalie Was About To Turn Twenty-One!

2056 Words

Not long after our conversation about Ethan, he came into the tent. My arms tightened up around my baby. “Is he done eating?" Ethan asked me, standing near the tent door. I nodded. “Yes, but he's asleep." With complete indifference in his voice, he said, “Give him to Georgia." “No," I said, keeping my voice low. I didn't want to wake the baby, but I was so upset that I was having to give my baby to someone else. “Rosalie, you need to rest," Ethan said. “And that will be easier if he's not here. Georgia, take the baby." I looked at my friend with a pleading look in my eyes, begging her to take my side. “I'm sorry, Rosalie, but he's right. You do need your rest. Don't worry about him. I'll take good care of my nephew while you're sleeping." She finished her sentence with a wink, whi

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