Chapter 138 Reign of a New Queen

2157 Words

**Rosalie's POV The north was more than I ever dreamt it to be. Since the moment I arrived, they had shown me nothing but kindness. I was a savior to them. While I certainly didn't think of myself that way, it made me feel good that I could help. “Rosalie!" Seraphine called out as she walked into my suite. I hadn't seen her for a couple of days. “Are you settling in okay?" Looking around the Luna Queen suite I had been placed in, I felt nothing but overwhelmed. It was beautiful, but I felt like they were expecting more than I could give them. “Yes, it's beautiful." I didn't want to seem ungrateful, but deep down, I couldn't help but feel out of place. This wasn't the life I had wanted. All I wanted was to live a small peaceful life with my son and be an average person. Yet, as so

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