Chapter 135 Ethan Escaped

2126 Words

Kal called for help, but it was too late. I took my chance, shifted, and launched myself off of my back legs. I went flying over the desk, hitting him full force with all of my weight and knocking him backward against the wall of the tent. “Arrgh!" Kal shouted. “Guards!!" I couldn't speak to him since I was in my wolf form, so I'd have to show him I meant business in another way. With my paws on his chest, I bent down to bite his neck. Kal brought his right arm up to block me. Even in his human form, he was a strong man. He was, after all, a king. He came from powerful bloodlines. This wouldn't be as easy as I'd hoped. Rather than biting into his neck, I sunk my teeth into his arm, gnawing at the flesh. Kal screamed as blood shot out, dripping all over his face and splattering the flo

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