Chapter 124 Georgia And Talon

2299 Words

**Georgia's POV The frozen dim light of day caused small puffs of white clouds to escape my lips as I ran. There was no stopping now. The tracks I had made through the forest towards the small village ahead were for a purpose. Cuts and scrapes from the branches and fallen trees lined my skin, but it was worth it to lead the rogues right where I wanted them. Their fiery hunger echoed through the forest in a mixture of growls and snarls that caused my stomach to twist in anticipation. “Sh*t." The word escaped me as I stumbled over a dip in the ground, running my shoulder into a nearby tree. “That's going to hurt later," I muttered, however, stopping at this moment wasn't an option. I had to get there—I had to reach the hideout. Breaking the tree line, my feet moved faster towards a

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