Chapter 16 Have A Baby with This Woman

2126 Words

*Theo* I'd touched her. I'd touched the girl, Ciana, and she hadn't pulled away from me. She wasn't afraid, nor did she seem disgusted by me. “Here you are, Father," I said, giving my dad the book that he'd requested. “If you would be more comfortable working in your own office, I can have whatever books you require brought to you." “Nonsense," the king said, taking the book. “I am quite enjoying seeing my son with such a lovely young lady. The two of you are quite a match." He chuckled, and my stomach twisted in a knot. While I was happy my plan was working and we were able to fool him into thinking that Ciana was a woman of interest to me, I didn't appreciate having to pretend like this in my own office. And that coffee she'd brought me was dreadful! It was clear she'd grabbed that

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