Chapter 30 : You Let Her Die!

2122 Words

Maeve “Get away from me!” I was running, frantic, tripping and stumbling through the dense greenbelt that lay between the castle ground and the village below. There was noise all around me; screaming, shouting, the eerie high-pitched howl of wolves. I could hear him behind me, his breath catching in his throat as he cursed aloud, begging me to stop. “You’re running right into it, Maeve. You need to stop for a minute. We need to come up with a plan to get to the port—” “I’m not going anywhere with you!” My face was tight from my dried tears as I spoke. “Look around!” he bellowed as he clutched me by the shoulder, pulling me to a stop. I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was in incredible pain. One arm was dangling at his side, bent and bleeding profusely from a terrible, pro

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