Chapter 112 How Rosalie Managed To Get Out?

1885 Words

**Ethan's POV My time on the frontline was fruitful. We were able to win several victories and reclaim two bases that the enemy had taken from us. Leading my warriors into battle was invigorating. Letting my wolf run, sinking my teeth into the flesh of my enemy, feeling the thrill of victory, I had missed all of that. Now, with the enemy's supplies jeopardized and his troops in disarray, many of them breaking ranks and retreating, I decided it was time to leave the frontline and go take care of some of my other pressing matters. Returning to the capital without Rosalie was heartbreaking, but I couldn't focus on that at the moment. When I reached the castle, I stayed focused on the information I needed to tell James. I didn't let my mind slip back to her– I didn't let my mind return t

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