Chapter 106 Ethan, Make Love To Me

1729 Words

**Ethan's POV “You need to take it easy, Alpha," Richard told me as I gazed out at the ocean, looking back at the island we were sailing away from. “I'm fine," I grunted at him. The injuries I'd sustained during the fight with Soren were nothing compared to how I felt on the inside. That b*stard. He had come up with this plan. He had somehow known what I would do and used it to his advantage. I slowly shook my head, wondering how he got to be so… conniving. “How are the rest of the operations tonight?" I asked Richard. “We were able to hack into their communications, which has essentially cut the islands off from the mainland," Richard said with a nod of satisfaction. “That's encouraging," I told him. “Maybe we can use that to our advantage if they transmit any important informati

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