Chapter 72: Just Passing By

1816 Words

“Ready to go?" Warren asked me, poking his head into the bathroom. I tightened the drawstrings of my hoodie, pulling it snug around my head. “I'm ready. Don't you clean up nice?" I asked, turning to smirk at him. Warren held his arms out and turned from side to side. “I suppose I don't look so bad." “She doesn't stand a chance," I teased, sticking my tongue out. It was the night of Warren's date with the fake Ciana, but I didn't want to sit around the house waiting for him to get back. I needed to see and hear what was going on first hand since I missed part of it last time. While he spiffed up his hair and put on a nice outfit, I ruffled my hair into a mess and applied some disguise makeup. I didn't want anyone to be able to recognize me, so I used some makeup to make my eyebr

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