Chapter 81 I Saw Her

2025 Words

“Alpha, Richard has succeeded in locating the target. We are on track with the mission. They should be back in two hours with the detailed report.” Samuel was going through the planned route to Papeno with us and concluding his report with the latest update from Group B. “Good. Samuel, take your team to chart out the route to their base as well. Then go back to Mirage directly to update Talon.” “Yes, Alpha,” Samuel replied. “Group C, prepare for action. Rendevouz with Group B in two hours at 14:00.” “Yes, Alpha!” The rest of my men replied. “Dismissed.” After they dispersed in small groups, I checked in with Talon over the phone and confirmed that everything back in the Capital was under control. I looked at my watch– I had a couple hours to spare. I knew what I wanted to do. T

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