Chapter 71 : I Need Your Help

1912 Words

*Lena* “What do you mean?" I sneered as Adrian slammed the door shut behind him. His blue eyes narrowed on mine for a split second before peering around the room. “He's not here! I thought he went back to Egoren–" “He didn't. I haven't heard from him in two weeks." My heart dropped into my stomach as I searched Adrian's eyes for understanding. His gaze lingered on mine, furious and intense, but then he glanced at the dying embers in the hearth and bared his teeth. “It's f*****g freezing," he sneered through chattering teeth as he shrugged off his sodden coat and let it drop to his ankles. He began striping down while I stood there, shellshocked. “Do you have a blanket, or a towel?" He was standing in only a wet undershirt and his boxers now, the fabric clining wetly to his skin. “L

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