Chapter 204 Tell Me the Truth, Ethan

2195 Words

He stood with his arms folded across his chest. For no reason, I felt like I had done something really wrong, like I had cheated on him, even though I didn't have even a tiny little bit of romantic feelings toward Alex, nor would I ever treat him as more than a friend. Before I could answer Ethan, Alex came back with a plate of food. A small portion of juicy turkey was presented in the center, with a hot sweet potato next to it and some fresh raspberries circling the protein and the starch. It indeed was irresistible. I hadn't gotten the chance to eat since I had gotten up that morning. The delicious smell of food made my stomach rumble, and I flushed. “My queen, please take a break and eat something. Your health is of utmost importance to your people, for you bear the burden of o

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