Chapter 189 Ethan’s Acquaintance

1837 Words

“The battle is nearly over now," Georgia said behind me, her voice jarring me out of a stupor. I hadn't heard her come back. Since it didn't take long at all, I assumed, “It went well?" She grinned. “It was likely more of a scouting party than an actual battleline this time. There weren't many of them, and once we counterattacked, they dropped back." “Casualties?" “Minimum," she said firmly. I relaxed a bit. “I'm glad it ended, and that you are all unharmed," I noted, and I tried to smile at her. “Yeah, thanks to Ethan's crazy *ss plan, Behar and Madalynn lost a sh*tload of their warriors." Georgia had a crooked smile on her face, despite the fact that I could see worry in her eyes about her brother. “What exactly did Ethan do?" I heard bits and pieces of the overall war st

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