Chapter 187 Ethan, Have You Ever Loved Me?

1933 Words

I blinked a few times and then opened my eyes. Everything felt strange, but the pain I'd been feeling only a moment ago quickly dissipated. I was no longer in the bedroom with Rosalie. Instead, I was lying in a meadow full of velvety green grass with bright purple flowers dotting the landscape. Above me, a bright azure sky provided a picturesque backdrop for bright fluffy clouds that lazed by. Pulling myself up to sitting, I spotted a quaint temple in the distance. It instantly reminded me of the one I'd visited with Rosalie a few days before, though I wasn't certain it was the same one. Standing, I headed over to the temple, wondering what I might find inside. The building called to me, its stone facade twinkling in the bright sunlight as if it were glowing. Even before I reached the

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