Chapter 148 : It's Our Wedding and We'll Do What We Want

1963 Words

*Xander* “You look like you want to kill everyone in this room," Adrian hissed. “Loosen up!" I fought the urge to look over my shoulder at him, keeping my eyes fixed firmly on the aisle running down the center of the pews, which was full to the brim with people. All of Lena's family was here, as well as her friends and our shared friends. The Alphas and Lunas of practically every single pack were in attendance, and to my surprise, several vampires. I'd been scanning the crowd for several minutes, nodding at those few people I knew who were in attendance. Lena and Rowan were running a bit behind it, it seemed. Hanna was seated in the front row, Alexis sleeping in her arms as Hanna turned to speak to Georgia and a woman named Gemma, who was George's mother. I continued to scan the cro

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