Chapter 139 : We're Having a Baby Today

1980 Words

*Lena* I watched through the window in my bedroom as Xander kicked a ball as far as he could into the back garden, Sasha's golden hair flying out behind her as she chased it into the tall grass. Xander turned around, laughing and saying something inaudible to my dad and Troy. Troy and Maeve had just arrived a few hours ago from Winter Forest. My grandparents were here as well, but they were napping, tired from their journey to Mirage. No one else was set to arrive this far from the wedding, but it was nice to have some time with them before the festivities began. “When is Abigail getting here again?" Maeve said from my bed. She was lounging with a notepad on her lap, her hair piled on the top of her head. Mom was sitting next to her, folding tiny baby clothes. “Tonight. Last I heard

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