Chapter 185 Soren’s Sacrifice

2277 Words

For the next two days, Madalynn and Behar pulled Ethan out several times, every few hours, beat, whipped, or otherwise tortured him, and then put him back in the cage and went off to have their fun. In that time, Ethan didn't get a single bite to eat or a drop of water to drink, though his flesh was burned time and time again with the boiling water, and he was doused with freezing water as well, but never allowed to drink it. By the end of the second night, most of Behar and Madalynn's wolves were practically passed out with happiness–and maybe some liquor I had snuck in. Once I felt the coast was clear, I went over to the cage with a small cup of water. “Hey, here," I said. “Drink this." I managed to pour a few drops of water into his mouth before he gestured for me to go away. “Jack

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