Chapter 132: Ciana to the Rescue

2064 Words

I stared at my gorgeous love as she knelt before me. She was dressed in her battle gear ready for a fight. I had not laid eyes on her for months and it felt longer than eternity. My wolf urged me to go by her side and envelop her in my arms but I knew that people were watching. I could also feel Luther's stare burning a hole in the side of my skull. Ciana looked up at me with a gleam in her eyes. My goodness, I had missed this woman. Being away from her was torture I never wanted to go through again. “Rise, Ciana Black of Alvar Pack," I said in a steady voice. It took all my strength not to close the distance between us and kiss her like my life depended on it. “Your loyalty and commitment to the throne are acknowledged. Let it be known to all packs from the west to the east, you

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