Chapter ThirteenMatt’s hands were shaking so badly he could hardly tie his tie. After a string of curses, he tried again, this time facing the big mirror. He wore a charcoal gray suit, white button-down shirt, and this lousy gold tie. He’d shaved. Scruff may be sexy, but didn’t seem appropriate when a guy planned to propose to his girl. Propose! Just hearing the word in his head gave him palpitations. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he regained enough control to get the four-in-hand tied perfectly. After brushing off his suit with his palm, he grabbed the little blue box, shoved it in his pocket, picked up his keys, and headed for the elevator. Being the frugal type, Matt didn’t live in a building with a doorman, so he left unnoticed by anyone. His cell dinged. There was